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Falling back into the daily routine of school was relatively easy. Memorizing my brand new timetable however, was a challenge. I flipped to the photo of it I had on my phone to check what lessons I had next.
English, double Bio. Fantastic.
This meant almost 3 hours with that fuckboy trying to distract me from work. Oh well.

I was making my way to B building for English when my phone started ringing, as I saw the Caller ID I knew exactly what was going to be asked.
"We're in building B, English with Lin, try not to be too late Willhelm" I said immediately after answering. "Thanks Doll" he replied and swiftly hung up.

Although I hated being called doll, It was refreshing to get William's call. This has been a regular occurrence throughout the last year, since he never payed attention and relied on me for information.

Vilde, one of my best friends, was standing around near the entrance to Building B when stopped me to talk.

"Hey look Noora. You know you can talk to me hey? Like about anything."

"Yes I know that Vilde. But where's that coming from?" I replied wondering why she was all of a sudden so worried about me.

"Nothing. I just heard some of the Penetrator boys talking about how William is so nice to you and was worried something was happening"

I can't believe she'd think that, I mean he's a friend and all but no.

"Nothings happening Vilde don't worry about it " I said and walked into class.

Fie Faen.

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