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Once we'd arrived at school it was the usual hassle to get through the crowds and find who you were looking for.

I said goodbye to William at the car and immediately headed for the loft of Building B to find Vilde and the others.

Once I'd opened the door I was greeted by Sana,Eva,Vilde and Chris all seated on tables and casually having conversation.

"Great!" Vilde said, "now that you're here we can start our meeting"

There were a few eye rolls amongst our friends as Vilde commanded the room.

"As you know, this summer we've decided to travel together as a bus group. I want to suggest that we go to, drumroll please, London!" Vilde said excitedly, looking in anticipation to see our reactions.

"Yeah, London sounds great" Sana said, she was usually the hardest to convince besides me.

Vilde lit up by this response, and Chris and Eva excitedly agreed.

"Looks like it's settled then!" Vilde said. "Next order of business...
P Chris, William, Jonas, Isak and Even are all very interested in coming with us. Does anyone oppose?"

"Wait, William and P Chris!? Since when? They're self absorbed misogynistic assholes why would they come with us?" I responded in immediate fear.

"Well, P Chris was already going to London and William wanted to go too, so they suggested we all join up, since Jonas and Isak are friends with them now." Vilde said with a hint of hurt in her voice.

"If no one else has a problem with it then I'm telling them they can come."

The room was silent. Vilde won.

The school bell rang and we all went our separate ways. Chris,Eva and Vilde all had Design, Sana had Chemistry and I had Biology... With William.

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