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From the moment I arrived at the party I knew it was a mistake.

The group had decided to go so that we could make a good impression as "fun party girls" for our bus the next year. To me, it felt like we were selling ourselves as vapid morons and perpetuating misogynistic and sexist stereotypes. But they didn't seem to want to hear it.

By the time we'd arrived the party had been going on for a little while. I could see Isak and Even in the corner making out and Vilde sitting on a couch talking to Magnus.

"Hey" a rough male voice said. As I turned around to see his face I recognized him as one of the other Penetrator boys. Jakob I think it was.

"Hei" I replied politely. Not looking forward to where this was going.

"You look really hot tonight," he said slurring, " maybe you want a drink?"

"No thanks," I said, rebuffing his advances, "I don't drink."

"Then at least let me dance with you Babe, you look so hot in that outfit. It would be a shame to see it stay on all night" he said lunging towards me.

I froze, awaiting the inevitable kiss attempt and awkward replacement to avoid any further attempts. When all of a sudden a pair of arms came between us and dragged him away.

There were muffled complaints met with a lot of confusion from me when I saw William and realized it was him who dragged him away.

"What were you doing with him Noora?" He asked, there was an odd tone in his voice, Not quite angry, that I couldn't place.
"Nothing Willhelm," I said smirking, "what does it matter to you anyway?"

As my eyes met his I swear I was lost. Time didn't pass when I was staring into the mass of earthy brown.

Our eye contact broke after what felt like eternity when he gestured for us to go outside.

"Okay we're outside now," I said, growing a bit impatient, especially in the freezing cold wind. "What is it?" I asked.

Again our eyes met, but this time before I could get lost in them, he leaned in and planted a gentle but passionate kiss on my lips.
I was frozen, but only for a second, before I kissed him back.

When we broke apart I was in shock. I couldn't believe what had just happened.

Just then, the front door of the house opened and Eva and Chris were running out, followed closely by Sana and Vilde who grabbed me and pulled me along with them.
"We'll explain at Eva's just go!" Sana yelled and we ran down the street.

Jævla Klisje || A Noorhelm Fanfic AUWhere stories live. Discover now