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The bus ride home was contemplative. As I started to wonder about what Sana could've meant about Vilde. I mean sure she'd always had a kind of obsession with the Penetrator Boys. But I always figured that was just her need to be popular.

My phone pinged loudly in my earphones, pulling me out of my thoughts. William had messaged asking me for Vilde's number. What the fuck? I sent it and tried to put it out of my mind. There was too much going on, with assignments due and exams just around the corner. I didn't have time for boys. I knew that. So why couldn't I get him out of my head!?

Back home I worked on my latest assignment for History, a Source-Based essay on Fascism, but I couldn't focus. My mind kept racing back to William. Why did he want her number? Did anything about us really mean anything? And what about what Sana said, could VIlde really be jealous of Me

"Noora, do you feel like making dinner tonight? I forgot to go shopping" Eskild requested, bursting in through the door.

"Nei, Eskild" I exhaustively replied, "I made dinner last night...and the night before... and every night before that. I have work to do."

"Planning the trip yet???" Eskild asked, excitement now taking over his tone.

"We seem to be leaving that up to Vilde. I just want to visit museums and relax."

I knew, deep down, that Vilde was going to plan nothing of the sort. Especially now that William and Chris were apparently coming.

Chris! If I set Vilde up with Chris on the trip then she'd move on from William!

I hated myself for being so selfish. Did I really like William that much? He was a fuckboy! A sexist! A walking fucking Cliche! But, as I was discovering, He was so much more than that too.

I just had to get to know him. Maybe then he'd get better. Maybe then he'd change.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2018 ⏰

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