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William picked me up at exactly 7. Not a minute later.

"Where are we going?" I asked him as I got in his car.

"You'll see..." he said with a smirk.

As the car finally pulled to a stop I recognized where we were.

"Willhelm are you really taking me to an arcade?!" I said trying to hide the excitement in my voice.

"And bowling" he added smugly. He knew it was the perfect date for me. I was competitive that's for sure.

The bowling came first which resulted in me winning by the narrow margin of 3 points.

"Oh come on!" William said getting agitated.

"What is it Willhelm, don't like losing?" I taunted, fake pouting just to get under his skin.

We continued to the arcade area and decided to play a game of air hockey.

The first game we played ended in a draw. Both of us having scored 6 each.

"Best of three?" He asked looking defeated.

"Aw Willhelm, you really want that much opportunity to lose?"

We continued playing despite my winning almost every time.

William finally got to stroke his ego a bit when I lost at all the racing games. The cars were so extreme and I never could quite manage to make the turns required.

Last I beat him on the simulated Motorbike race and left feeling victorious.

"Wow Noora, you really are as competitive as I thought" William said as we got back into his car.

"Oh am I now?" I asked "tread lightly here Willhelm."

"No it's a good thing," he said "keeps my ego in check"

We laughed. Whenever we were together that tended to happen. We were an unlikely pairing. But something about it just worked in our favor. Some of that "opposites attract" bullshit or something. Anyways. Things were bound to go wrong soon. They usually did for me.

A/N: Thank you so much for 1000 reads! Honestly I didn't think anyone would ever read this so it means a lot to me! If you're interested please check out my Finn Wolfhard or Michael Clifford Fanfictions as well. Thanks guys!

Jævla Klisje || A Noorhelm Fanfic AUWhere stories live. Discover now