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"Noora! What the fuck!" Vilde yelled as I entered school the following week.

"What is it now Vilde?" I sighed as I approached our group

The girls were all seated around the table and looking at me expectantly. Eva and Chris wore concerned looks on their faces while Vilde just looked pissed. Sana, as usual, couldn't be bothered by petty bullshit. This is why she was the best to talk to.

"I just overheard all the Penetrator boys talking about William taking you to the arcade! On a DATE! Why didn't you tell us?" Vilde always through fits if we didn't inform her of our comings and goings. She was deeply insecure in friendships and I think she always feared us leaving.

"It was no big deal, really. And it wasn't a date" I said coolly as I placed my bag beside me and sat down. Sana and I had history in here next.

"Well that's not what I heard! Josef said-"

"Are you gonna trust a random fuckboy? Or your friend that was actually there?" I interrupted Growing more annoyed at the interrogation.

Vilde was silent.

"Well as long as you're fine and nothing happened..." Eva said looking at Vilde reassuringly.

"Yeah" Chris added in agreement.

Vilde stayed quiet as the bell signaling the start of school sounded. The girls all filed out and left to find their respective classrooms.

"You shouldn't do that yknow" Sana said still looking down at the book she'd been reading.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Make her believe there's nothing going on with you and William. We can see how he looks at you. It is obvious. And I think she's starting to fall for him" Sana still hadn't looked up from her book as she spoke. Nonchalant and mellow she had introduced a whole new idea to me.

"You really think so?" I questioned. My mind still reeling.

"Absolutely" Sana affirmed.

And like that the conversation was over and I was left to my own devices through our next lesson. Pondering just what to do about everything.

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