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"Okay let me get one thing straight," I said as I approached my usual seat next to William for biology, "You can't come on this trip with us to London!"

"Why not?," he said smirking, " afraid you won't be able to hide your feelings from me any longer? Disappointing excuse, I have to say."

He caught me off guard. I stammered a bit. Meaning I'd basically let him win that interaction.

Throughout class he fiddled with the pens on my desk and casually rubbed his arm against mine as I tried to focus and take notes.

As the class ended William held me back so we were alone in the room.

"Why do you really not want me going Noora?" He said, his face inches from mine, smirking.

"This is why!" I said. Making a half hearted attempt to move away unsuccessfully. "You're such a flirt! And you've used half the girls in our school. It's insane Willhelm. I can't support it."
"Who says I haven't changed? You don't have to support it to let us come hang out with you guys in London." He retorted.

He made a good point. I had almost admitted defeat when both our phones pinged.

*On Message*

P Chris: Party at my house tonight! 8PM start. Be there.

"you gonna go?" William asked.
"Might not have a choice" I said with a giggle as I left Building B and headed to find the rest of the gang

Jævla Klisje || A Noorhelm Fanfic AUWhere stories live. Discover now