the start of something dangerous

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Life for Kara Danvers was no picnic . She had plenty of problems . Number one on the list was loving Cat Grant ! She was madly and unconditionally in love but even as supergirl couldn't pluck up enough corage to tell her! Oh and to throw another spanner in the works  ,Miss Grant is her boss! Let's see how it goes!

Kara arrived at work with a steaming latte and lunch for miss Grant as she usually did , to her surprise Cat was already at her desk ,she looked like she'd been there all night . "Miss Grant? "Kara asked knocking on the door "can I come in ?" She asks . Cat looks up and sees Kara ,she smiles and then stops her self 'keep it professional cat' she tells her self "hi Keira " she says pretending she forgot Kara's name "you may come in ." Kara walks in an instant putting cat's things on her desk. "Is there anything else you need Miss Grant?" Says Kara trying to keep her eyes off the amazing woman whom she is in the presence of. "Sit!"orders cat, obediently Kara sits "Keira you are a smart and beautiful woman and how many times will I have to tell you before you realize! " she adds regretting it amedently 'way to put your foot in it Cat you idiot!" She scolds her self. A bright blush covers Kara's cheeks , Her mouth dry .
Cat just complimented her ! "Thanks miss Grant. " Kara manages she looks at Cat embarresed. There eyes meet for a second Kara's blush gets redder as she looks away .
"I have to go ummm work to do? Call me if you need miss Grant " says Kara flustered. She walks off to her desk " keira get your pretty ass back, before I fire it !" Says cat when Kara enters she adds"don't leave without permission! " Kara stands awkwardly "what do you need miss Grant? " she asks trying to avoid the woman's eyes. " we need to stop this charade Keira . We need to talk. " says Cat looking serious . She massages her temple's . " 'Bout what Miss Grant? " Kara asks innocently. Cat just shakes her head at her "you know exactly Kara." She says sternly . Kara blushes and fiddles with her glasses "nope I haven't got a clue" Kara lies ,Cat looks up at her examining her face "about your case of looking at me for too long and not doing any thing about it? Maabye?" Cat says . Kara's blush covers her whole face "you've noticed? M--i-s-s G--r-a-n-t? " Kara stutters. Cat laughs " kara the whole office noticed" she says, regretting it " I'm sorry Miss Grant. I won't do it again " Kara Says looking down. Cat looks shocked "I never said stop ,just when you're at the balcony in red boots?" She teases . It was karas turn to look shocked " you know ? How long" says Kara . Cat smiles " since you pulled the alien double act , I asked Alex." She replys "sorry I have always been nosey Kara " Kara is shocked .She looks at Cat " and you couldn't of said earlier ... when I see Alex I'll. .. urr" Kara says slightly pissed . Cat suddenly feel sorry for the girl "Kara I'm sorry if you find me interfering, I was just concerned about why my assistant was not always present when she was needed. " Cat says wondering if that would piss Kara off more ,hoping it doesn't she smiles softly " Kara I have to say something" She adds. Kara looks up at Cat with wide eyes hoping She says what Kara wants her to. " what is it miss Grant? " Kara asks . Cat hesitates "well I .... umm .... why is talking to you so danm hard!" Cat can't seem to find the words "I like you , I really like you. " she says looking away embarrassed. Kara gasps she doesn't know what to say, she pinches her arm .... she's definitely awake

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