Mrs Kara Grant

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"Do you Kara Danvers-Zor-El take Catherine Jane Grant to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest says facing a smiling Kara "with this ring , I not only take you Catherine,  to be my wife but to be my everything, with this ring I solemnly swear that I will care for you , love you , cherish you and protect our family until my last breath . This ring is not only a sign of my undying love for you but the promise I have made to you and how I intend on keeping it . I love you Cat with my heart, soul and more , and I am proud to say that yes I do take you to be my wife for now and forever" the younger blonde announces a tear welling up in her ocean eyes. "Aww Kara!" Cat says a tear in her eye as well . "And do you Catherine Jane Grant take Kara Danvers-Zor-El to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest says facing the queen of all media . "I wish I'd had a better speech planned but I must say Kara you have  caught me off guard,  I Catherine Jane Grant promise to love , cherish,  respect and honour  you for the rest of forever , they say nothing truly dies and honestly I never believed it until now,  now I have seen what eternity looks like and the only forever I want to be apart of is one where you are by my side every step I take.  To be able to lay in your arms 'til the sunsets . To share late nights , early mornings , to be the one to order the coffee and deliver it to you . To share every day with you . That for me is what never dying looks like because you Kara Danvers-Zor-El  make me feel young and happy and I can't wait for you to become Mrs Kara Grant,  I do , now and forever " Cat says taking her lovers hand and sliding the golden banded ring on her left ring finger . "And on that note I now pronounce you to be Mrs and Mrs Grant,  you may now kiss the bride " before the priest even finishes the confirmation, Cat pulls her wife towards her and kisses her with all the feeling and passion she showed in her speech. "Mom! Moms!" Carter yells running towards the newly weds "hey young man !" Kara says picking up the fourteen year old into a hug "hey mom! Look I'm flying!" Carter yelled at his other mother who was currently sharing an embrace with her new mother-in-law "Kara..." is all Cat has to say for the hero to put the boy down . "Come on we have a reception to get to , even fashionably late has it's limits darling " Kara let out a laugh , her wife was so predictable. Her wife! She was never going to get used to that . "Coming my dear wife" she replied trying out the term . Cat giggles softly at the name,  a slight blush descending across her perfectly made up face. "Catherine Grant are you blushing?!" Kara says mock surprise present in her tone "Miss Grant I can't believe you're blushing over your assistant " says Lucy joining in "it's Mrs Grant to you, and I can blush over my WIFE all I like" Cat says annoyance somewhat present in her tone. "Ohhh claws are out , meow!" The short brunette laughs "Luce,  leave her alone it's her wedding day " Alex , the older Danvers says with a smirk. Cat's heart melted,she'd grown quite close to her now sister-in-law . She'd learnt early on that the Danvers sister came as a pair , you mess with one you mess with the other , same with treating one like family . "Plus Kara will fight you if you make her wife cry " Alex adds in a low voice "I won't fight anyone! Shut up Alex!" Kara yells in defence.  They enter the large hall that was the venue for the reception of a lifetime.  The hall filled with music "a dance my love?" Cat asks seductively with a light look . Kara's cheeks turn to flames,  'God this woman' she nods at her wife very enthusiastically "a dance " she says with a smile . Her life couldn't get any better , in some ways she ws glad she'd came to earth . Her earth was now swaying in front of her in white satin and lace , she'd always read soppy romance novels and never understood what went on inside humans heads when they wrote that stuff but watching the older blonde in front of her she understood them exactly,  she could be with this woman doing absolutely nothing and she'd still never be bored . It was quite a scary thought having her world revolve around one singular person . Love did crazy things to people . Love was a crazy scary rollercoaster but a hundred percent worth it .
Two chapters in one day? I must be feeling guilty ! Enjoy thus soppy bit of fluff and thanks for reading xxx

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