Divorce Reunion💖

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Y/N carried her daughter up the drive through to her ex husbands house. Y/N's husband Algee and have been divorced for a year and a half. She found him sleeping with her best friend. Y/N cut that bitch so fast out of her life, you wouldn't believe they were best friends to begin with.

"How long will I be with daddy?" My five year old Mariah asked Y/N.

"Just for three days baby. I'll be back to pick you up on Tuesday" She said.

"It's fine, I like spending time with Daddy"  Y/N said smiling.

"What about mommy?" Y/N asked her.

"I like you too mommy" She smiled kissing her cheek.

"Mhmm" Y/N said knocking on Algee's door. The door opened and Algee appeared with a smile on his face.

"Hey Ri" He said calling Mariah by the nickname he gave her.

"Daddy!" She squealed making grabby hands towards him. Y/N handed her to Algee along with her bag.

"Hey Algee" She said looking at him.

"Hey Y/N" He said looking her up and down. He does this all the time! Y/N pushed past him and walked into the house.

She heard him shut the door. He placed Mariah down on the ground.

"Go play, I'll be up in a second" Algee said.

Mariah nodded her head.

"Bye mommy" She said running over to me.
Y/N picked her up and showered her face with kisses.

"Bye my little sugar plum" Y/N said placing her down. She giggled and then ran upstairs to her room.

Y/N set her purse down on the counter and looked Algee.

"Anything coming up this weekend for Mariah that I should know about?" He asked me.

"She has a doctors appointment on Saturday at nine. She has a gymnastics practice on Sunday at eleven to one and then a play date at four on Sunday. That's all" Y/N told him.

"Ok, and we have a teacher conference meeting on Monday night at seven so we gotta find a babysitter" Algee said.

She nodded my head.

"I'll get back to you on that" Y/N told him as she grabbed her car keys and purse.

"Wait Y/N" Algee said as she was about to open the front door.

"How have you been?" Algee asked.

"I've been good, what about you G?" She asked him.

"Pretty good" He replied.

"How's Valencia?" Y/N asked referring to my best friend. Algee and her are now a couple.

"She's good, she's visiting her mom now" Algee said.

"Maybe her mom can knock some sense into that bitch" She muttered.

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