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*Very mature content in this one y'all*

This imagine is for __Angel

Lori's POV

"Thank you girl, I'll see you tomorrow" I told my best friend leaving her house. Tia nodded and shut her front door.

I pulled my sweatshirt on and stuffed my hands in the pockets of my sweatshirt. It was around eight at night at Tia needed help picking an outfit for her date with her boyfriend Chaz. They're pretty cute together.

I quickly texted my mother saying I would be home in twenty minutes. It was kinda cold out but it was fine. As I was walking I felt like I was being watched but when I turned around no one was there.

I wrapped my arms around myself and continued to walk. I hear a twig snap and I quickly turned around to see a bunny coming out of the bushes.

"Awww it's just a cute little-"

Suddenly a hand covered my mouth and I was pressed up against something. An arm was wrapped tightly around my waist. My heart stopped and fear filled my body. I struggled in the strangers grip but it was no use, they were too strong. Tears filled my eyes.

A cloth was put on my mouth and I slowly felt myself going to sleep.


"You got her" I heard a voice say. My eyes were still shut though.

"Yeah, she struggled a bit but she's here now" Another voice said. I was on something soft, a bed?

My eyes fluttered open and I saw two guys talking in the corner of the room. I still realized that I was kid napped.

"Ahhhh! Somebody help!!!!" I yelled. The two men turned around and quickly rushed over to me. The short one with brown skin came over and placed a hand on my mouth. The taller lighter skin guy stood back with his arms.

"If you keep yelling I'm gonna kill you" The guy said. I instantly stopped screaming and struggling out of fear. The guy removed his hand and turned to the other guy.

"I got her Keith, you can go thank you" He said. So that guys name is Keith.

"Aight, see you later G" He said back. Once Keith had left. G turned back to me and scanned my body. I felt like he was undressing me with his eyes.

"You're so beautiful Lori Angel" He said. Scared was an understatement. I was down right terrified.

"H-how do you know my name?" I asked him.

"I've been watching you for months now" G said. "...I was dreaming of meeting you". My eyes widened. This guys has been watching me.

"Is your name really G?" I asked him. G shook his head, "My name is actually Algee, people call me G though" He replied.

"Oh" I said quietly. All I could think about was my mom. She must be so scared, probably has a whole search party searching for me. Tears started to well up in my eyes again.

"Don't cry precious, I'm gonna take care of you" Algee said stroking my cheek.

"Why do you want me?" I asked him.

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