The Sand Village (Part 1)

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Shiro's POV (6 years old):

I can feel my heart tightening as I run. It hurts, my clan had just been completely massacred and it leaves me all alone. Who did this? Why? The Takashi clan wouldn't even hurt a fly let alone a human unless necessary. It hurts just thinking about it. A single tear made its way down my cheek as I thought about what had just happened. Clenching my fists as I ran, I felt a new fire bloom inside me thinking about how I would get my sweet vengeance on the scum who dared lay their filthy fingers upon my clan. Starting to feel fatigued however, I slowed my pace and decided to rest a bit. I had gotten pretty far from my home which surprised me. I looked around my unknown surroundings and saw a log. I walked up to it and sat on it, still staying cautious since there might be people near by. Millions of things passed through my thoughts as I took out my water canteen from my backpack, taking small sips at a time.

"Hm...I wonder if there's a village near by..though it does seem a bit quiet around these parts of the forest." I said to myself quickly skimming the view in front of me, then throwing my head back to look up at the starry night sky. "Man, why did this have to happen?" I sighed, getting back up and placing the canteen in my backpack. I began to start running again, going North. But I sensed something odd up ahead. 'Is it still the forest?'s not the woods anymore. If it was I would still be able to smell pine..but this smells like nothing..?' I thought to myself slightly furrowing my eyebrows and ran a bit faster to see what was up ahead. Coming to a halt, my eyebrows had furrowed deeper, observing the new terrain in front of me. 'So it was sand. If there's sand does that mean that there's a village nearby? If I remember correctly my grandmother would tell me stories about the village hidden in the sand..looks like I am in Sunagakure.' I went back to a straight face and decided to keep running North since it had led me to this place.


Panting heavily, I slowed down. I've been running for hours now and still haven't found this damned village. I looked at the sky now finding it to be sunrise. I sighed, and began to run again. After another hour I began to see a large blurry image up ahead. It looked like it was a good mile or two away. 'Is this the village grandmother was telling me about? I hope they'll let me stay for a bit..' Deciding to sprint the rest I found myself now in front of the gates of the so called "Sand Village". I slowly started walking inside questioning myself if I had made the right choice to walk in a village I knew nothing about like this.

"Halt! Who are you and what is your business here!" A sand shinobi jumped in front of me along with another one behind him. Great, I hope they aren't suspicious. "Um..I was just wondering if I could talk to your Kazekage.. I just want to ask if I can stay here for a while.." I said quietly looking at the ground the entire time, too nervous to look up. "Tch, state your name and then we will take you to the Kazekage." The other sand shinobi said walking up next to the first sand shinobi. 'Should I tell them my real name? It might start a lot of commotion though..' I sigh coming out of my thoughts annoyed with all of the debating I was doing with myself, but also annoyed with the rudeness of the guards. "My name is Yashiro Takashi. That is all I will say to you two, now take me to the Kazekage." I said firmly giving the now shocked sand shinobi a cold stare. The first shinobi came back to his senses and said "Don't you dare speak like that to us brat! I hate children like this, such a pain. Follow us and do not waver behind!" He spoke loudly, turning around, and walking away. I snarled inwardly glaring daggers into the mans back as I walked slowly behind. I looked around the new area I was in, being the curious child I am. As we were walking, I saw a red haired boy with the word "love" written out in kanji on his forehead. I squinted my eyes trying to get a better look. There was a group of kids surrounding him, pushing him around. Now this made me mad, if anything I absolutely do not tolerate bullying. I stomped away from the two sand shinobi and went in the direction of the group of brats.

"Hey! Where are you going, get back here!" The second sand shinobi yelled behind me. "You can leave, I'll find my own way to the Kazekage's office!" I yelled back. I was now standing in front of the group, but now that I was actually close to the group I noticed they started kicking the poor red head and throwing insults at him. That was the last straw. I angrily shoved through the group of boys and stood in front of the red head now staring up at me in shock. I went in a protective pose, throwing my arms wide open. "Oi you no good scums, how dare you pick on this boy! What did he ever do to you!" I screamed, fire burning in my eyes as I looked at them with malice. The boys were taken back in shocked as a few of them stepped back in fear. One boy in front started snickering "Ha! Would you look at this boys. A little girl trying to protect the monster!" After hearing this remark the rest of the group started laughing along. Another boy said "Move out of the way kid! We don't wanna hurt your pretty little face but if you wanna protect that piece of trash that doesn't belong here your just as bad as him! Let get em' boys!" He yelled, the other boys screamed a "yeah!!" behind him and started charging at us. The red haired boy started shaking in fear behind me and scooted away, "u-um...please go, they'll only hurt you too.." he said, voice shaking. I turned my head around and give him a soft smile. "It's okay..I'll protect you." He stopped shaking and only stared up at me, his mouth slightly agape and eyes wide. I turned my head back and cracked my knuckles momentarily, and ran towards the group of boys. One boy had tried swinging at me but I simply dodged and raise my leg, kicking him in the chin sending him flying back. I continued the same routine with the other boys, punching them and flipping them. 3 minutes later, most of the group were on the floor either knocked out or crying. The other percentage of the boys had run away in the middle of the action. I turned around and looked at the red head to see him in shock once again staring at me. I walked towards him and crouched down in front of him giving him a concerned and caring look. "Are you okay?" I asked him gently placing my hand on his cheek looking at his wounds. "Y-Yes I am...thank you for sticking up for me," he said slightly blushing. I giggled, "Hey, you wanna be my friend?" He started at me, again, with wide eyes. "R-Really? You're not kidding?" He said full of hope. I gave him a sweet smile. "Of course I'm not! My name is Yashiro Takashi but you can call me Shiro or Ya-chan. What's your name?" "'s nice to meet you Ya-chan.." he blushed. I stood up smiling and held out my hand, "Hey Gaara, do you mind showing me the way to the Kazekage's office?" He slowly reached up and clasped his hand with mine. "Sure..just follow me." He said slightly smiling. I laced my fingers with him and gave him a toothy smile. He blushed a light pink at the new contact and looked down at your hands. "Let's go?" I glanced at him and he shot his gaze down to the ground. "O-Okay" he smiled once again and began walking to the Kazekage's office. Well, this isn't too bad so far. I smiled to myself glancing at my new friend. Gaara huh?

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