New Acquaintances (Part 4)

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Shiro's POV:

Today was the day. The day I have to leave to travel again. I had just finished sealing my things in a scroll and started to walk out the doors of the building. Taking one last look at it, I let out a shaky breath and walked towards the gates. As I neared it, I saw Gaara, Kankuro, and Temari standing there. Gaara had a sad look on his face while Kankuro and Temari had small smiles. "You guys..why are you here?" I asked softly. "Well we wanted to you see off, what kind of friends would we be if we didn't?" Said Kankuro. He took a step forward and smothered me in a hug. "I'm going to miss you Chibi-chan. Be sure to visit us a lot." He whispered in my ear. I frowned and nodded. "Oi Kankuro, don't hog her all to yourself, we wanna hug her too." Temari chuckled and yanked him off of me. She gave me a gentle smile and hugged me softly, as if she was afraid I would break. "We'll miss you a lot Shiro, if you ever get hungry or feel sad just come back here and we'll welcome you with open arms." "'re like a mother figure for me..I'm going to miss you very much." Her eyes widened and tears fell out. She gave me a tight squeeze and said, "Thank you for thinking of me like a mother..I'm so happy you said that." She let out a choked laugh and let me go. I heard small footsteps coming from behind me, turning around, my eyes landed on Gaara. He had tears threatening to fall out as he had a frown on. I immediately clung onto him and let out a small a whimper. "I'm gonna miss you most Gaara. You're my best friend and I can't imagine not having you in my life." I managed to spit out and nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck, him being a bit taller than me. "I'm going to miss you too Ya-chan. I'm going to protect you, always. You were my first friend and I am grateful to be able to call you my best friend. Don't forget me okay? I won't forget you." He said with a small smile. I nodded and looked up at him wiping his tears. I went on my tip toes and planted a soft kiss on his cheek. His face exploded with red. I giggled and took a step back. "Well you guys, this is it. I'll miss you all. Thanks for everything, I'll never forget you. Ja ne!" I gave the three a big, toothy smile, held out my hand to make a peace sign, and walked out of the gates.

~Third Person POV~

Shiro walked out of the gates, her white hair that shined like a pearl trailing behind her blew in the wind. The sun had started to come up, making her dainty figure glimmer in the light. What she didn't know, is that she left the three behind with tears rushing down their cheeks and looks of despair on their faces.

Shiro's POV:

'Man..where should I travel next? Hm..the land of waves isn't too far from here..maybe a four day walk. Two if I run..yeah, I'll go there.' Coming to a final decision, I began running up south. 'If I run south I'll be in a far section of the forest. But since I don't have a boat I'll have to run across the water.' Sighing, I picked up the speed and dashed to the forest.

~Time skip to the middle of the forest~

I. Am. Exhausted. Being out of breath, I plop down onto the floor. Shuffling in my backpack, I take out my old canteen and started to take sips of water, trying to bring back some of my energy. I looked around the area I was in, birds chirping and water trickling down a river. 'Water. I must be close. But it's a bit quiet here..too quiet.' I put my canteen back into my backpack and walked towards the river. Crouching down, I got a handful of the water and splashed my face, cleaning off the dirt and sweat. The silence was disturbed when the sound of a twig snapping came from behind me. My head whipped around only to find a mans face inches away from mine. I narrowed my eyes at the stranger, not backing away back and having a hidden kunai ready in hand. "Who are you and what do you want." I said in a cold tone. The man had white skin and long black hair. Purple markings were around his eyes. What made me feel a bit uneasy was the fact that his eyes seemed as though they were staring into my soul. His eyes were golden with the pupils of a snake. "Yashiro Takashi. I've finally found you. My name is Orochimaru my dear, and what I want is you." He spoke as if he was hissing. "Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not going anywhere with you. Now if you'll excuse me I have somewhere I need to go." I stood up and started to walk away. All of a sudden, I felt a gush of wind as I was pinned against a tree. My hands were held above my head and my body was pressed against the tree. "I am not taking no as an answer, you would make an excellent experiment. The Takashi family hold all five chakra elements along with the ability to summon powerful animals that most can't, not only that but you have a very special kekkai genkai. You are too precious of a treasure to let go. And I want to have you all for myself." He said in a low voice, pressing his leg between mine to keep me up. 'Ehh...this guy is a perverted snake. I'll go along with this act. There's something I need to make sure of.' I thought to myself. "Mn..Orochimaru please...don't tease me so.." I whimpered, bucking my hips forward forcing a blush on my face, making myself look vulnerable. He smirked and lent down to my ear. "I'm not trying to tease you my dear, it's the truth." He whispered and licked my neck. His smirk grew wider as he opened his mouth and bared his fangs. Just as he was about to bite into my neck I ripped my arms away from him and roundhouse kicked him, causing him to crash and break through multiple trees. I had a disgusted look on my face as I dusted myself off and wiped my neck. "So my hypothesis was correct. You were going to give me a curse mark you sly bastard." I growled and ran towards him with a kunai in my hand. I looked like a mere blur, running as fast as I was. I appeared infront of him and lunged at him but he moved quickly out of the way and made hand signs.

Boar, Dog, Bird, Monkey, Ram. He then bit his thumb and slammed his hands onto the ground. "Summoning Jutsu!" I backed away just in time for a big puff of smoke to appear. When the smoke cleared, there was a large snake and Orochimaru was on its head. "So that's how it's gonna be eh? Two can play at this game you scaled perv!" I shouted out at him. Quickly doing hand signs, I yelled out, "Ice style: Black Dragon Blizzard!" Shooting out from the river came a large black dragon made of ice with red flaming eyes. It let out an almighty roar and charged at the snake. The two beasts clashed as Orochimaru jumped down and ran towards me. "Multi-Shadow Snakes Justu!" Snakes shot out Orochimaru's hands at me, but not before I dove into the earths floor and hid. "Oh dear Shiro, you can't hide from me! Come on out now!" He snickered walking around, looking for me cautiously. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Now! Orochimaru was standing right above me. I shoot out my hands from the ground and latch onto his ankles. "Earth style: Headhunter Jutsu!" I yanked him down into the ground and jumped out, then jumped into a tree. He was stuck in the ground, his head the only thing visible, and I watched him struggle to get out. He then turned his body into a dozen snakes and slithered out, then piecing back up into one person again. I clicked my tongue and yelled, "Water style: Giant Vortex Jutsu!" A big wave of water came from the river and towered over him, slamming down hard onto him. I panted and waited for the water to disintegrate. When all the water was gone, I saw that his summon was gone and so was Orochimaru. I released my dragon and suddenly felt pain. "Chakra Absorption Jutsu." Orochimaru said behind me, draining my chakra. I managed to get away, but not quick enough. Half my chakra was gone. He licked his lips with his inhumanely tongue. "I will come back for you my dear. Become stronger, until next time. I look forward to having a great brawl with you." With that, he gave me a smirk and disappeared. I let out a strained groan. "Man, that was tough." I did hand signs and bit my thumb, slamming it into the ground, with my last remaining bit of chakra I yelled out, "Summoning Jutsu!" I summoned a large hawk, it was the best I could do with the amount of chakra I had left. "You summoned me your highness?" the hawk asked bowing down its head. "Good evening Akio. Can you take me to the Land of Waves?" I asked tiredly. "Of course, your highness." I climbed onto Akio's back and he started to fly to the Land of Waves. Enjoying the breeze, I looked up at the sky and fell alseep. Next stop: Land of Waves.

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