Zabuza Momochi and Haku (Part 6)

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Hello guys, I apologize for not updating in a while. I've just been lazy, anyhoo I will be doing time-skips quite often so if you find that unpleasant I apologize.

Shiro's POV:

Run! Don't stop! I ran as fast as my legs could take me. Panting harder and harder, I feel like it's getting more difficult to breathe. "You can run but you can't hide Takashi!" He let out a growl, I could practically hear the smirk in his voice. 'Damn it..' I thought to myself. Looking left and right, I find a fairly large tree, deciding that would be best I make a sharp turn, skidding in the process sending dirt and dust to fly in the air, and ran up the tree sending chakra to my feet. Once I reach the top I hide myself within the leaves and wait for him to pass. I hear a twig snap, that must be him. I look down and see him beneath me, right infront of the tree. He walks around before looking down at the ground and smirks. 'Eh..?' I think to myself. I blink and the next thing I knew, he's gone. "Where did he go?!" I silently snarl and bit my bottom lip. "Right here." A deep voice says from behind me. 'Shit!' My eyes widen and grabbed my kunai out from my pocket quickly and swiftly, I turn around ready to attack but I was too slow. He did a spin kick right to my stomach sending me flying, and soon my back crashes into a tree. I let out a groan of agony and fall to the ground. "Damn it, I forgot to mask *coughs up blood* my chakra.." my vision soon becomes blurry and the last thing I see is him standing in front of me, staring with bloodlust in his eyes.

"No, get away from me!" I shoot up in cold sweat on the bed. I breathe heavily as I shoot my head around my room. My eyes soon meet with Inari's. His eyes were wide, filled with concern. I let out a sigh as he asks, "Ne, Shiro-chan, are you okay? You were screaming in your sleep and thrashing around, no matter how many times I tried to shake you away it wouldn't work.." I give him a reassuring smile, "I'm fine, just a bad dream, that's all. Is Tsunami-san awake yet?" "Yeah, she went into town to get some groceries, she should be back soon." "Wanna go help her out then?" "Sure" he gave me a cheeky smile and ran out of the room. I got out of my bed and walked into the bathroom doing all the essential things such as taking a quick shower and brushing my teeth. I walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around me and walked towards the closet. Since I didn't have any training planned for today I decided to dress comfortable. Grabbing undergarments, a bra, sweatpants, a tank top, and a thin hoodie, I set them down on the bed and remove my towel. When I was finished putting on my undergarments and was about to put on my bra a loud thump came from the direction of my door. Squeaking and scrambling to put it on, I shoot my head to where the noise was coming from. My face soon flushed when I saw Inari there on the floor staring at me, beat red and bloody nosed. He averted his eyes quickly and got up, "G-Gomenasai! I was going to ask if you were ready but you were changing!" I let out a nervous laugh and scratched the back of my head. He ran out the door and shut it while I started smiling. "What a cute kid."

~Timeskip to the village~

"Shiro-chan? Can I ask you a question?" I tilted my head downwards to look at Inari, "Shoot." He gulped and looked at the floor as we were walking through the village. A silent breeze passed and it felt as though every other sound had muted out except for his soft voice asking, "How long will it be until you leave?" I blanked out and stopped walking. "I have no idea, Inari. I mean, I've seen everything there is to see about this village. I know the basics of what to know about it as well. And I've made new friends as well. I guess I'll be leaving soon off to the next village." I rested both my hands behind my head as we walked. Inari's face slowly saddened, "I see." I looked down at him and ruffled his hair. He looked up at me curiously but eyes soon widened with a slight blush as he saw I was giving him a big toothy smile. "No matter what happens, no matter where I am, and no matter the situation, I'll always remember you Inari." I let out a chuckle as a slight red danced across my cheeks. I looked at him and he was slightly red as well. He looked at me softly, still red, and gave me a sweet smile. One that I haven't ever seen before. "Shiro-chan, you really are cute. When I become older, I'll get super strong and I'll ask you to marry me one day too!" He let out a childish laugh. Feeling my cheeks become slightly hotter, I smirked at him. "I can't wait."

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