Traveling Again (Part 3)

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Shiro's POV (Age 11):

It's been five years since I first arrived at the Sand Village and let's just say that things have been great. Me and Gaara have gotten really close and since we've been training with the Kazekage. We have improved in skill and strength by a lot. Kankuro, Temari, and I are all good friends. Though Kankuro can get a bit annoying with his constant flirting.

I was having a very nice dream about me and Gaara adventuring but it was soon disturbed by a very loud thud. Groaning, I groggily opened my eyes and looked in the direction the noise came from. The culprit was none other than, can you guess? Kankuro. "Ahaha...morning Shiro." Kankuro said nervously scratching the back of his head. A tick mark appeared on my forehead, "Ne, Kankuro. Why are you in my room one. And two, why did you wake me up." "Well you see, Temari thought it would be a funny idea to leave my purple face paint in your bathroom so I just decided to come in here and get it, I didn't mean to wake you though! Really! I just...happened to t-trip on your bra.." He said blushing before quickly getting up and grabbing his face paint. "Sorry again!" With that, he dashed out of the room and shut the door. Sighing, I got out of bed and started to clean up my room a little. Being embarrassed from Kankuro tripping over my bra, I don't really want another incident like that happening again anytime soon. After I finished cleaning, I took a shower and got dressed. I walked downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed an apple, briefly saying a good morning to Temari and running out the door to the training grounds. There, I saw Gaara and the kage as usual. Gaara gave me a small smile as the kage gave me a slightly worried glance. I shook it off and said good morning to them both, throwing away my apple stem.

~Time Skip After Training~

"Hey Gaara...I can tell you anything right?" I asked. Gaara and I have been laying down on the grassy field ever since training ended. "Of course you can, why? Is something wrong?" He turned his head to look at me, I sat up. " remember the first time I came here and how I came here from traveling? Well, I came here to train myself some more and learn some jutsu's since I already mastered taijutsu. Um...what I'm trying to say is that I made a deal with the Kazekage to stay here until I was old enough to travel again..I'm 11 years olds Gaara..I have to leave tomorrow. That was the deal..I'm sorry Gaara." I whimpered, tears brimming my eyes. He stared at me in shock and slowly sat up, tears brimming his eyes as well. "Your leaving? Will you come back?" "Yes of course! I'll visit very often, you won't ever been alone Gaara! Actually..." I got a necklace out of my pocket shaped like an hourglass, "Here..I got it for you. It's a friendship necklace. This way, we will always be connected and then we can remember each other like this." I let out a giggle with a slight blush, "Sorry, I know this is really ch-" I was cut off mid sentence by Gaara tackling me in a hug. "Thank you Ya-Chan..I love it very much." He tightened his grip around my waist. I eventually gave in and hugged him back and put the necklace on him. "A grain of sand falls once every week, by the time all the sand is on the bottom of the hourglass, I'll be back to visit you, or we will meet somewhere." I gave a soft smile as tears started falling from Gaara's eyes. Doing something I never thought I would, I kissed away his tears and put my hands on his cheeks looking him in the eyes. Gaara's pale complexion had burst out in a dark blush as his teal eyes widened and stared at me. "Y-Ya-Chan w-what are you-" I cut him off mid sentence. "Gaara..don't cry. I'll always be here. Even when you don't see me, I'll be here. In your heart; your memories. I'm always here. If you ever feel sad just look at the moon. Heh, remember when we used to do that as kids? Look at the moon together? Come on, let's be happy with the time we have left together." I smiled. His eyes sparkled and he nodded, putting his hands on mine. He pulled me down onto the grass again and hugged onto me, snuggling his head into the crook of my neck. I hugged back and put my head next to his, inhaling his sent. 'Ah...he smells like vanilla..' I had a slight blush and fell asleep with him just like that.

Hello guys, I apologize for not updating in a while. I've just been slacking off and I'm not very proud of it. I will be posting more chapters though. If you have any suggestions on what I should add to the story later on in the chapters just comment them down below! It'll be nice to see what surprises you guys will add to the story. Anyways I hope you all have a good day/night, whatever your time is. Ja ne, minna-san!

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