Learning how to be a ninja (Part 2)

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Shiro's POV:

As Gaara and I walked, we made small talk here and there. One thing he mentioned that caught my attention was that he had two siblings, Kankuro and Temari. From the way he described them with such glee, they sounded like great people. I hope I'll be able to meet them one day. The more acquaintances the better I guess. But I can't get too close. I don't want to risk the agony of loosing someone again.

"chan....a-chan..Ya-chan? Did you hear me? We've reached the Kazekage's office." Gaara said with a slight look of concern. "Oh, sorry I was lost in my thoughts." I let out an embarrassed chuckle, rubbing the back of my neck with my free hand. "Thanks for bringing me all this way, I hope you, me, and your siblings can all hangout soon." I gave him a small smile and let go of his hand, walking towards the Kazekage's office.

Gaara's POV:

I watched her stroll into the office and let out a sigh of happiness. I finally made a friend. I started walking home and daydreamed. 'Ya-chan is so polite and caring. I mean, we just met but she already showed such kindness. Plus, she's really cute too..' I started blushing and quickly shook my head. 'Gah! What am I thinking, we only just met! I really don't want to loose her though.. I'll do my best to protect her from now on! Yeah! I won't let anyone hurt her as long as I'm alive.. I won't let anyone harm my Ya-chan.' I finally reached my house and walked in being greeted by Kankuro. "Hey Gaara, welcome home. If your hungry Temari is making food." I nodded and walked towards Temari. "Need any help?" I looked up at her slightly since she's a bit taller than me. "No it's fine, just go wash your hands and help Kankuro set out the plates." She smiled and pat my head. I only nodded once again.

~Times skip~

"So..I made my first friend today" I said with a small smile. Kankuro dropped his chopsticks and Temari choked on her water before yelling out "Really?!! I knew someone would see you for the kind kid you are!" She let out a loud laugh as Kankuro jumped up from his seat and messed up my hair with a large grin asking all sorts of questions. "Well..her name is Yashiro Takashi. She's six years old like me..she's really nice and she stood up for me..a-and she's really c-cute too.." I mumbled the last part, sadly they both heard and started screaming again.

Shiro's POV:

*achoo!* I sniffled as I neared the Kazekage's office. "Ah, maybe my allergies are acting up again.." I mumbled and knocked.

Gaara's POV:

"She wants to meet you guys too. Would it be okay if we could all hangout tomorrow?" I asked. "We would love to but we have to train tomorrow, we have a mission soon." Kankuro gave a sad smile as well as Temari. "Oh, it's fine then..thanks for the food." I got up from my seat and walked towards my room. "W-Wait! You two can train with us if you want!" Temari yelled after me with a look of guilt on her face. I gave a smile and said "I would love that. Thank you, we will be at the training grounds tomorrow morning. Goodnight." With that, I went to my room and plopped on my bed, slowly falling into darkness.

Shiro's POV:

"So what you are saying is, you would like to stay here and become a sand ninja until you feel as though you are ready to leave and travel again?" The Kazekage asked me with a stern look. "Yes sir." I reply, my eyes never once wavering away from his. "Alright then, I shall grant you this wish. But remember that you are the last living Takashi. If people find that out, they will come in search for you and try taking you for your powers." "I understand sir. If it is okay, I would like to start training as soon as possible. If a time comes to where I am in that sort of situation I would be able to defend myself." I gulped, I had to admit that I was nervous but I can't let him know. He's testing me, I can tell. The Kazekage gave me a soft smile, relieving me from the nervousness I was feeling a moment ago. "I understand. I will personally train you starting tomorrow. When we are finished with all the training you will be able to defend yourself from even the strongest shinobi out there!" He gave out a conceded cackle making me sweat drop. 'Ah..this kage might be an idiot..'

~Time skip to the next morning~

So the Kazekage lent me a room in his building and is going to train me. But the bad part is that I'm running late, I am supposed to meet up with Gaara at the place we first met. I quickly shuffled out of bed and saw an outfit (outfit #1) laying on my desk. 'Hn..' I shrugged and took a quick shower before throwing it on, brushing my teeth and hair, and jumping out my window. What do you expect? I'm running late, plus the fall isn't too far down. I started to run as fast as my small legs could take me, not before tripping on a twig that somehow ended up in my way. I squeezed my eyes shut waiting for the impact to come but two muscular arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me up to their chest preventing me from falling. 'Eh?' I thought as I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at the person who caught me. It was a guy with purple paint on his face. He had on a sand headband too, and he looks a year or two older than me. He must be a genin. The first thing I thought was "Neko." He reminded me of a cat because of his hood. The guy soon had a tint of pink on his cheeks. "Eh? Neko?" Then it was my turn to blush. I had said it out loud. "O-Oh, I'm sorry. That was the first thing I thought when I saw you because of your hood. I hope I didn't offend you but if I did I'm really really sorry!" I rambled and the guy started laughing.

I stared at him with a puzzled look on my face. He smiled and said "Sorry, that was just really cute. My name is Kankuro, nice to meet you Chibi-chan." He smirked as a tick mark appeared on my forehead. "Well excuse me but I have a name and it's Yashiro Takashi! Remember it you hear me!" I retorted back and puffed out my cheeks. 'Kankuro...that sounds familiar.' His eyes widened. "You're the one who made friends with Gaara?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "How do you know him? If you are one of the people who bully him too I'll crush you." I said as my eyes narrowed at him. He let go of me and crossed his arms giving me a casual look. "Why would I do that when I'm his brother?" My face instantly brightened up and I said "Oh, so your his brother. Kankuro. And he must have a sister named Temari. He told me about you guys. Nice to meet you Kankuro-san. Sorry for being rude earlier but I have to go now. Bye now!" I said and ran off to find Gaara, leaving Kankuro behind with a confused look.

~Small time skip~

Gaara and I had finally reached the training grounds and saw the Kazekage waiting patiently looking at the sky and observing other things made by natures beauty. "I'm sorry we're late! I had a little incident on the way here." I said panting while Gaara sweat dropped. The kage turned around and smiled. "It's fine, but we start training now." I gave him a challenging smirk and Gaara had his normal face on but his eyes showed determination. And so, that is how it will be for the next seven years of my life. Training to become a shinobi.

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