Chapter 13: The Nile Delta

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Kafr Saad, Egypt, August 1934

Arthur could feel the winds of the Mediterranean pushing him about gently, and he did his best to use their power to push him forward. Francis flew just ahead of him, and he could see the others as well. Andries and Bella where far ahead, with Seamus and Dylan and the others from western Europe. Alastair took up the front. Arthur inwardly groaned to himself. Usually he was right up there, leading the way, but he was behind even Francis now. It was most common for Francis to make up the caboose of their flock, accompanied with complaints of his age and how far they had to fly, because usually Francis held little regard for their meetings at all.

Things were different, and it unsettled Arthur. Francis wasn't even complaining. It was probably due to the serious threat posed to him. Arthur kept his mouth shut and kept lying. As his eyes drifted across the horizon, the sight of land hit Arthur like a wall. Even though they had stopped in Sicily, he was still exhausted. The extended flight after so long of having not done something like it had caused his body to go into shut down. But he pressed on. They would have to make their way over the Nile, and then northeast as they saw Cairo. It was early evening now. He knew they would probably arrive very late into the night.

It wouldn't be far, he told himself. He could make it. All they would have to do is stay high up, in order to remain unseen. He spotted Alastair starting his upward movement, leading them all towards the sky, but Arthur dwindled for a moment. He could see the darkened river far below, turned orange by the setting sun, and let out a breath.

He had come to the point where he was questioning just why he had stayed inside the church for a hundred years. He had his reasons, yes, but there was a lot he had missed. A lot. Like warm summer days, and orange sunsets, and cities from above. As they rose above the clouds, Arthur felt his muscles relax. The wind was much better up here, and there was nothing in sight. No planes, no nothing, nothing but eternal fields of pink and yellow clouds, and the spot of the sun far behind them as it took its leave.

He closed his eyes and let the chill wash over him, before opening his eyes again as he attempted to pick up his pace. He pulled ahead of Francis, glancing back to watch as the blonde man cast him an amused look. Arthur could feel his instincts begin to take over, as he had flown the route many times. He moved ahead, beating his wings to move upward and enjoy himself. He couldn't help it as he allowed one wing to stiffen, sending him into a spiral across the empty space above the others. It felt wonderful, the way the wind jet streamed against his form, and the feeling of vertigo as his body turned backwards to the ground.

"Don't tire yourself!" He heard Francis shout up at him, and he moved back forward. He stared down at the darkening spots in the clouds. As the sun grew lower, it seemed almost as if there was another sky below them.

It was dark when they arrived. They came in low, diving out of the clouds like falcons. As the others came down to the ground ahead, Arthur found himself circling, just to see if anything had changed.

The meeting place was rather large. The city of Kafr Saad was far off, and he could see the few small lights of the houses along the edge of town. The ruins where the meetings were always held were just against the river. What looked like half of an old, dilapidated and clearly ransacked temple made of the center. Other ruins, presumably of a small town or village, were scattered about it. Arthur remember that Imhotep had told him it was once a trading post. He turned, gliding about the place as best he could. The remains of the temple where in a half circle shape, the flat side facing the river. It was overgrown some. One of the more intact shelters served as Imhotep's shelter. He could see chickens milling about, and what might have been a small goat or pig.

The ruins of the village surrounding it were half built into temporary shelters for the attendees of the gathering.

Arthur angled his wings around in order to come in for a landing, reaching out his legs as he came to the ground, and jogged to a stop.

He found himself being greeted by none other than Imhotep himself.

"I'm surprised to see you here!" The man announced as he marched over. He was no different than Arthur remembered, from the ragged cloth tied about his head to the sand covering his feet, to the small chunk of feathers missing out of his black colored wings on his left side.

They embraced shortly as Arthur smiled. "I honestly didn't expect to come."

"And I see you've brought your brothers?"

"Yes. I'm sure they'll enjoy it here."

Imhotep nodded, gesturing for Arthur to follow him to where they would be staying.

"Almost everyone is here now. We're only waiting for everyone from South America now." Imhotep sighed slightly, glancing ahead to the toppled village. "Honestly Arthur, I'm glad you came."

He found his brow raising at that, and he turned to Imhotep in surprise.

"We all know what happened in Austria. Everyone is worried. I've been hearing the Vargas brothers talking. They have been speaking with their leader. Their eyes are on Abyssinia. Romano, not so much... but Feliciano wants to prove his worth."

He found himself blinking in surprise, his wings folding anxiously. He had heard this before. "Feliciano?"

"Yes." Imhotep said it in his own surprise. "You need to tell them why you left, Arthur. You need to apologize for it, but you need to explain why you left. You need to talk some sense into them."

They came around into the shelters, and Imhotep became quiet. Most of the curtains were drawn across the entrances of the huts that had been made in mere minutes. He could hear the low chatter of many languages, and he saw lights from candles and lanterns.

"Tomorrow will be preparation day. And the games." Imhotep stated. "We thought it would be better to do it beforehand so alliances could be announced during the summit. That we everyone knows what they might be up against."

Arthur found himself becoming rather quiet as he walked, his coat barely meeting the sand that had been haphazardly cleared from the walkways. They turned some, and he came across the small collection of low set shelters he would be sharing with those he had flocked with.

"I'll do my best." He stated simply as he stopped at the door of one of the huts. "Thank you, Imhotep."

The man smiled tiredly in acknowledgement. "Thank you, Arthur."

And with that, he turned on his heel and left.

The Englishman stood in the doorway momentarily, before turning to face inside. Andries and Bella were unpacking their things, tossing what was needed on the cots.

Andries glanced up as Arthur meandered in, tossing his bag on the cot in the corner.

"Is anything different for you?" He asked as Bella laid out the sheets.

He glanced up as he pulled his blanket from his bag.

"I'm not sure. I can't say anything is. It most definitely feels the same." It came out more tiredly than he expected, and he found himself letting out a small yawn.

Andries merely shook his head as Arthur clambered onto his cot, and almost immediately fell asleep. 

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