Chapter 33: A Great Escape

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Berlin, Germany, September 15, 1940

Bella had a plan.

She sat in her bedroom early that morning, staring out through that tiny, narrow window as she preened halfheartedly. She felt like her hair was disgusting, her feathers disgusting, her whole face disgusting as she sat and rotted in her own self pity and fear. But she had a plan. Ludwig's words about Britain had scared her.

She was unsure if his urgency and need to speak about it in private with Gilbert were good or bad, but she was sure it meant something. Either way, she was sure that Arthur needed help. She was aware that his brothers were mostly indifferent to him, more focused on their own survival; though they did help him occasionally. Even then, Francis was the one of them who was most crucial to escape. She had no clue about what was really happening beyond the walls she was trapped in, but she felt as if it was nothing good.

Slowly, she rose and cracked her door open. She had heard Francis' hacking and coughing late into the night. Though she had formulated the plan quickly, she knew she had to act quickly if they were to get anywhere.

"Gilbert?" She called softly. She wasn't sure if he was even there that early in the morning. As she stood there, nervously rubbing her wings together; she finally heard a reply.

"Ya?" It came from the direction of the room that was commonly locked.

Swallowing her anxiety and putting up a steady resolve, she stepped past the guards and towards the room.

"I would like to speak with you... I'm worried, you see." She put on her sweetest, most understanding voice as she did this, praying her plan would work.

The door was cast open, and he sat at a small desk. The room was smaller than she thought. In a way, it was almost confining.

No wonder he was so lonely. He was practically a prisoner in his own place. He didn't look up from what he was doing, penning something onto a page. A typewriter sat, abandoned nearby. She moved slowly about the desk to stand beside him, waiting as he worked.

"I think Francis may be sick."

He seemed to pause. Bella was fully aware of the fact that Gilbert and Francis had once been considerable friends, and that it could very well strike a chord.

"Is that so?" He sounded concerned.

Chord struck.

"Yes... I hate to ask, I really do... but can I walk him around that little room you and I always sit in? A change of scenery might help him."

Gilbert only paused for a moment before he continued to write, before placing his pen down and turning to glance up at her. He seemed doubtful, but she kept her expression worried. Eyes glassy, brow turned up, hands clasped behind her back and wings down. She kept praying silently.

"Why should I let you do that?"

"He coughs all night. None of us can sleep. I can't sleep." She allowed herself to blink slowly, putting a light emphasis on the final word. He raised a pale brow. He seemed almost suspicious. "I could even walk him up and down the hallway a few times." She suggested softly.

The was a long, ever growing pause after that, and Bella did her best to remain resolute. Gilbert's gaze was calculating. He seemed to be weighing the pros and cons of doing so. Would Ludwig become angry? Would Ludwig have to know? What may Francis do? What may the guards say? What would Bella do? Would Bella appreciate him more, perhaps acknowledge him as more of a friend than an uncomfortable acquaintance? Would she acknowledge his interest in her?

Bella was aware of every gear working in his head, slowly, deliberately, those eyes looking her up and down and then up again. His shoulders slumped, and he let out a small breath. His wings remained upright.

Every moment now was crucial. Every movement, every word spoken, every expression made. She had to do everything she did in a relaxed and reasonable manner.

"Alright. But you won't speak a word of it, not to anyone." He stood, shifting his wings as he moved down to a drawer and withdrew a set of keys. As she did this, she took a quick glance at what he was writing.

She put on a relieved, appreciative smile, but did not speak. As he stood to look at her again, his expression morphed into something more pleasant than concerned.

She had him wrapped around her finger. She knew it.

Bella allowed a faint smile to remain as Gilbert walked ahead, keeping the key tight in hand as he walked forward to Francis' door. She remained quiet as the door was allowed to open, and Francis glanced up from his tiny bed in a slight confusion. For a moment he glanced at Gilbert, and then at her, and Bella pursed her lips to indicate that she knew what she was doing.

Francis took the opportunity to cough heavily, standing uncertainly as Bella extended an arm and gestured for him to come out. Gilbert merely watched as the two embraced shortly. After a short moment, Gilbert followed behind them slowly as she walked the slightly taller, blonde Nation in the direction of the large room.

She walked slowly, slowly enough so that Gilbert wouldn't feel inclined to follow them closely. As they reached the entrance of the room, Bella quickly shoved Francis inside and slammed the door. The sound was evident, and she heard Gilbert quickly move and grasp the handle, demanding an explanation for her actions.

"Francis, go! Go to the window, quickly!" She hissed, putting her full weight against the door as Gilbert continued to shove and kick. It moved violently beneath her weight, but Bella dug her heels into the floor. Francis looked up in shock, having been unaware that this was her plan.

"Go!" She repeated as Gilbert shouted for the guards. Francis moved to the window like a bolt, fiddling with the lock nervously until it came loose in his sweaty palms. The window flew open, casting in a chilly gust of air that momentarily aided Bella in her firm battle against Gilbert's attempts to keep the door open.

Francis looked back momentarily as he moved to crouch upon the window sill, spreading his wings in a clear anxiety. Many things could go wrong. Someone outside could see. Francis may fall, or may even be unable to fly due to how unhealthy he looked. The guards and Gilbert could burst in at any moment.

"I must stay." She said softly, answering his wordless question. "For Andries, for the others."

A momentary gaze was met, and Francis made sure that his thanks and determination were delivered in that desperate silence; before he turned and cast himself out the window; spreading his wings as if rising from hell into jubilance.

He didn't look back, as he heard the door be thrown open, positioning himself west as he flew as quickly as he could, up into the clouds. 

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