Chapter One

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Taehyung rushes down the stairs. He is super excited, because of his results. He hopes, that he will pass the exams and then he can go to his dream university.

"I'm leaving!" he shouts to his precious mom, who is a doctor in the nearest hospital and because of this, she regularly works until morning.

She really loves her son and Taehyung the hyperactive, a little bit crazy and the always happy child loves her too.

"Good luck!" she says with a smile on her face.

Taehyung is in a hurry, because he forgot to set his alarm clock and now he feels the trouble of his bad memory. This is his last day in this school and he doesn't want to be late.

Luckily the building is not too far from their house, so he gets to the school in time.

"Hey, Tae! Come here!" an orange-haired boy waves, who is Taehyung's best friend.

"I'm not late, right?"

"No, it's just going to start five minutes later. But come! We need to buy some food in the buffet! I'm really hungry!" the shorter boy says cheerfully. His name is Park Jimin and he is obsessed with pizza.

In the buffet, Jimin buys two sandwiches and a bottle ice tea. Taehyung goes back to their classroom with a brownie in his hands. It's his favourite cookie, although he eats it only in the school, because he and his mother also aren't good in cooking. In most of the time, their neighbour, an old lady cooks lunch and dinner for them.

"I'm so tired! Why is this so long?" Jimin complaines, while he is sitting on a bench in the school's gym. The speech has started an hour ago, but the director doesn't want to stop talking and let the students go.

"Yo, why don't we organize a year-ending party?" Taehyung asks his best friend immediately.

"That's a good idea! We should go to somewhere exciting! Or just write things on papers and then we have to do the order!" Jimin nods, who likes Taehyung's idea very much. Because of the entrance exam, everyone was really busy, until the mature exam have ended and they didn't have time for relaxing.

"That would be fun." the younger boy smiles and lookes at the director. He is at the end of his speech.

"...Goodbye, hope you will enjoy the summer." the director says and after it, everyone starts to rush to the entrance including Jimin and Taehyung.

In front of the school, they say goodbye to their classmates. They were always a little bit eccentric, maybe because they are the pranking boys in the school. Taehyung and Jimin really love to make fun of everybody. Even of the teachers.

"What do you think?" Jimin asks his friend, while they are walking to the bus stop.

"Think about what?"

"About the university. Do you think they admitted us?" Jimin looks at Taehyung with worry in his eyes.

"We'll see it." the taller boy sighs and this is the first time he doesn't make a joke from it.

"Hey! There's the bus!" he yells and starts to run. Jimin follows him and luckily they can get on the bus in time.

They are both quiet during the half an hour travel. When they arrive, they get off the bus and look around. They are in Seoul's downtown, where they see a lot of people, who are in a hurry or just talk with other people. They stand in front of the huge university and they just can't move. Many teenagers pass by them. Some of them are smiling, some of them are crying because they have failed. The two boys want to be those who are happy.

"Let's watch the results." Jimin starts to walk, but it is very difficult. Before the notice board, there is a huge crowd. Everyone wants to see if they got into South-Korea's most famous art university, into KAU.

"Jungkook! You bastard! Where did you go?!" an older boy shouts in the crowd.

"Hyung! I made it! I'm in!" a tall boy yells with a cute and handsome face next to Taehyung.

"Sorry." the guy says, with light brown hair when he accidentally bumps into Jimin. "Yah! I thought I lost you!" he gives a tight hug for the boy, Jungkook.

"I'm so happy! I'm going to go to KAU!" the young boy shouts and starts to jump happily, but before he can hit someone the older one grabbs his wrist and pulls him out from the crowd.
Taehyung stands with a smile on his face. If he gets in the school, maybe he will go to the same class as this boy.

"TAETAE! WE'RE IN!" Jimin suddenly screams and points to the notice board.

"What?" Taehyung asks unbelievingly. He did it...?

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