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You decide to go into the greenhouse. You've always loved working with plants, so it seems like the best choice for you. There were a lot of plants to water and it was far from the easiest job on the list because of this, but you honestly didn't mind.

When you walk into the enormous room, the scent of damp soil and sweet smelling flowers hits you. The air was soft, humid, and pleasantly warm. It was a combination that was relaxing and focusing at the same time. While there were some plants that were in beds or on shelves, there also seemed to be a garden planted on the actual ground.

There were plants in all varieties of shapes, colors, and sizes. There were more than you could possibly name, but since you probably wouldn't be in too much of a hurry watering them, you figured you would get a chance to look at each one.

You grabbed a large watering can and started to fill it up, the water splashing into the can and making a pattering noise as you waited. You looked around the room again, staring out at everything you could take in. Eventually, the watering can was full and you started to get to work.

You went from plant to plant, making sure that every last one got the right amount of water. Luckily, there was a list on the side of the watering can that someone had put down that gave instructions for how much every plant needed. You could tell how much some of them would need before you even looked at the list, but it was good for filling in the blanks with plants you didn't know.

You smiled as you looked at each and every plant. There was one with small purple flowers, a tree that touched the ceiling of the room, a bristly bush with pale green nettles, and many many more.

As you went along, you started to get more and more relaxed, barely able to take your mind off of the greenery around you as you looked down. You were so lost in the wonder of it all that you didn't notice that you watered something on the ground that was not a plant until it flinched slightly.

You were kneeling down to water one of the plants on the ground when you did it, so you looked up and found yourself meeting the green endless eyes of an elf. You realized that what you watered was her boot and since she had been standing so still you had subconsciously dismissed it as a root.

You blush slightly at your mistake and instantly step back a little bit. You looked at her with slight embarrassment, but slight awe. She was wearing an outfit that was mostly browns and reminded you of the color of certain kinds of tree bark. Her outfit had a cape, a tunic, and gloves. Her face was framed in a way that fit her eyes and she had black stripes on the sides of it. She looked.....nice. You found yourself blushing just a little bit more.

"I-I'm sorry!" You stammered out "I didn't see you standing there!"

Her face which had been just the smallest bit startled before relaxed completely and went back to the state you had assumed it had been before you poured water on her foot.

"It's alright."

"Are you one of the guests I heard might be staying here?" You ask her. You had heard a few of of the other people that you work with mention a few strange people staying over. She seemed out of place among the usual people that you worked with, so you figured she must have been one of the people they meant.

No one seemed to have any interest in coming to the greenhouse, much less have the time to stay there to relax. The only reason why you suspected the place was there was because of the guildpact's tendency to show off when it came to luxuries and things he considered fancy.

She paused and then responded to you. "Yes. I did not expect anyone to come in here and take such time on every plant."

You realized that she had probably been watching you for at least a small amount of the time you had been there.

" tell the truth I like it here. I've only been working here for a few days but this is my favorite place to go. I've always really liked plants and this is the biggest greenhouse I've ever been in. There are just so many things to look at!"

You found yourself grinning excitedly as you went on. The elf you were talking to offered a pleased soft smile back.

"They seem happy that you are taking good care of them. They are all getting the right amount of water. They appreciate your love for them as well."

"I guess I haven't told you my name. I'm ____. It's nice to meet you."

"I am Nissa. It is a pleasure to meet you as well. Since you have an affection for the plants that live here, I can show you some of the ones that you may not know as well if you like."

You nod and smile at her, following her as she takes you around the place. She spoke briefly at each one, not rambling in her speech. You appreciated it as it gave you time to take in what you saw for yourself while you watered the plants that she showed you.

After a while, you had watered all of the plants you did not know. Nissa left you to water the rest in silence. Between plants however, you stole a few glances at the elf herself. She had sat down under the large tree that touched the ceiling and was staring ahead, seeming to be in a deep state of mind.

When you had finished watering the rest of the plants, you decided to sit down beside her. You were finished earlier than you had expected, so time wouldn't be an issue. you looked over at her. "How do you get to that state of mind?"

She broke her focus for a moment to regard you.

"Try to imagine your mind in a location that is soothing to you and that puts you in a meditative state. It is a good way to lead into focused meditation. Try to focus on that location in your mind and imagine yourself there. It can help to imagine yourself floating in a sea, drifting on the wind, and other such things depending on the location."

You nod and decide to try it. You stare out into space and try focusing.

You imagine yourself in the first garden that you had as a child. You picture every plant in it's place and the sunlight singing down on the rows. You imagine yourself in one of the sunbeams, radiating warmth and light to the patches of green.

Subconsciously, your body does relax. It relaxes when your mind does, you muscles loosening and your arms lightly falling to your sides with your hands resting on your lap as you sit there.

After what seems like forever, you finally hear a voice calling out to you.


You open your eyes and find yourself coming slowly back to reality.

You look over at Nissa. She is staring right at you and you feel yourself blushing and smiling again. "Yes?"

"I think it is time for you to leave. I would not want you to lose your job."

You nod slightly and sigh. "Yeah, I guess not."

She hesitates before gently putting one of her hands on yours and holding it lightly. It is warm and soft in a way that reminds you of a flower petal.

"You are welcome to com back after you are done with work."

You nod and hold her hand gently. "I would love to."

She smiles at you and nods. "I will be here for the rest of the day and almost all of the week."

You get up and walk to the door, turning to look at her one last time before you go. You could have sworn you saw just the slightest blush on her face as you left the greenhouse, thinking about when you would return.

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