Upstairs room

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You decide to go to the room upstairs. You didn't know what shape it was in, but you would rather take that chance than try to deal with any of the other things that Lavinia mentioned. Almost all of them would be difficult tasks.

As you stepped into the room, you realized just how wrong you had been. This had to be the absolute worst room to clean in the history of the entire place and that was DEFIANTLY saying something considering how bad everything else tended to get around there.

Everything was tossed everywhere, there were the remains of various things that had once been food on the floor, and you could have sworn that you even saw a pile of ashes and some scorch marks on the ground in various places.

You stand there for a moment, trying figure where to even start. You didn't have any clue how half of the things on the floor even got into that room, so you decided to go and get a broom to start sweeping up the piles of ash.

When you got back into the room, you saw a woman with long red hair and goggles sitting on a wooden crate and eating a sandwich. She was eating slightly messily and crumbs were already starting to add to the litter on the floor. You cringed at the notion of having to do even more work than you were already going to have to attempt.

She suddenly noticed you and noticed the mortified look on your face, slowly and reluctantly lowering her sandwich away from her mouth.

The two of you just kind of stared at each other for a while in awkward silence before you finally spoke up. "Can you please not eat that in here? This place is already a mess and I have to clean it."

She nodded and stood up. "Right. Sorry about that. I was making a pretty big mess with is thing. Do you really have to clean this whole room?"

You could tell that she felt a little bit guilty about eating the sandwich in there.

"Do you know how this room even got this bad?" You ask her, going over to one of the piles and starting to sweep it up.

"I've been uh, hanging out in here a lot." You could see her step back a little bit out of the corner of your eye. "So yeah, sorry again. I guess it got pretty bad pretty quickly."

"What did you do?! Set things on fire?!"

She gave you another guilty look. "Well....maybe. Ok yeah, I set a few things on fire. But I put them out pretty quickly so it could have been worse."

You sighed. "Well, the room was already as before you started setting things on fire. I just hope I can actually finish this by the end of the day. I don't want to have to stay here overnight."

She shrugged and then let out a sigh to follow yours. "Look....I can help you try to clean this mess up. I feel kind of bad for making it. If to need to stay overnight you can sleep in my room because I know people won't like it if you sleep on a bench in here somewhere,

You were a little bit relieved to have extra help and not have to worry about where to sleep if you couldn't actually finish it before it got late. "Thanks. I really appreciate it."

The two of you worked until it did get really late. You talked with her a little bit and found out that her name was Chandra. She had relaxed a little bit after telling you her name and having you say a few things to try to make conversation. She seemed to be a pretty cool person the more you talked to her.

When all of the work was finally done, you realized that it was well past midnight. You smiled a little bit as you put the last vase back on the shelf it had fallen off of. "Done!" You called out.

By then, you and Chandra were both exhausted, but god damn were you happy to finally be done. You looked over at your companion to see her slumping over and looking like she wanted to find a bed as soon as she possibly could,

"Great. We can finally sleep now."

She started to walk back to her room and you followed her. "Do you have an strait bd in your room?"

She shook her head. "No. But it's still better than sleeping on a bench."

You really couldn't argue with that. And besides, the idea of sharing a bed with her didn't seem too bad.

When she led you into her room, you were surprised to find that it was in even worse shape than the room you had just cleaned. The amount of things thrown everywhere, places were small fires had been lit, and even food debris were doubled if not tripled. You shuddered in advance at the thought of having to clean it when she left.

Chandra didn't seem to really notice this though. She just stepped over to the bed and proceeded to flop down on it.

You gently pulled the covers over her body and she made a small incomprehensible noise in response. You climbed into bed next to her and closed your eyes, trying to fall asleep.

You opened your eyes when you felt something warm and soft wrap around you. You looked over and blushed when you noticed that Chandra had her arms around you and seemed to be cuddling you in her sleep. She felt like a furnace, radiating heat against you.

You snuggled closer to her and closed your eyes again, smiling. At least the bed wasn't cold.

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