Chapter Seven

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AN: First off, sorry for the late update! I know I said I'd be updating weekly again, but I couldn't get this chapter how I wanted it... I finally gave up and now I'm just hoping it's passable. Secondly, I apologize for the cliffy! This is going to be a double update so, sometime in the next 12 hours that will be fixed. Thirdly, if blood squicks you out, I'm giving you a warning that this chapter contains some.

Finally, thank you all for your amazing support!


What was the question?

My unwavering gaze locked itself onto the white sheet of paper laid across my desk. The little blue lines started to get fuzzy the longer I stared and finally, I gave up on finding the correct answer. The pencil nestled in my hand felt like lead and I let out an exhausted sigh when my eyes landed on the clock. After leaving the boys, I'd succumbed into an awful sense of fatigue.

A sharp tingle grew at the top of my spine and I brought a weary hand against my forehead. The headache started during roll call and it hadn't gone away since, but I guess it was to be expected. My only worry concerned the possibility of other symptoms. Most of the major migraines tended to be followed by an equally annoying, if not worse, case of nausea or the rare nosebleed.

The teacher's voice began to send sparks of pain through my nerves system and I snuggled my head further into my palm. The headaches came on fast, but luckily, they tended to leave just as quick. At a particularly sharp crack of his voice, I brought my other hand and cupped the opposite side of my head, releasing a low moan at the comforting pressure.

I'd never experienced one this painful before. 

"Sorenson," I cracked a tired eye open to glance at Mr. Carpenter. His forehead wrinkled in concern and beady brown eyes traveled down to the assignment, "Go to the nurse."

With a sluggish sense of surprise, I opened both of my eyes only to pause. Half the class had turned to face me, a couple faces displaying a spreading pallor. Catching my gaze, a helpful girl pointedly glanced down at my paper and I followed the movement. The sight that greeted me sent a whoosh of breath careening out of my lungs.

Instead of responding to Mr. Carpenter's order, I simply nodded before grabbing my bag and swiftly standing from my seat. Now that I was moving, I could feel the tell-tale dripping that coated my chin. Shaking hands grabbed the blood splattered paper and numb legs led me out of the classroom. The whispers started immediately, but I didn't stick around to hear them and instead softly shut the door behind me.

Leaving the suffocating classroom, I brought my hand to the bottom of my nose to staunch the blood flow. The empty hallway around me offered no sympathy and I tightened my weary shoulders before padding down the silent halls. Turning the next corner, my feet led me into the girl's bathroom and I pushed the door open desperately.

Dropping my backpack beside the sink, quick hands fiddled with the paper towels before finally ripping them off ineloquently. The scratchy brown paper was shoved underneath my nose and I tilted my head to the ceiling, long used to dealing with this unfortunate side effect. Though, this is the first time it's happened at school...

I didn't know how much time passed, but the blood flow stopped shortly later. My limbs were still numb from the over flow of adrenaline to my nerve system and the headache seemed to have amped up several notches. Throwing the wadded paper towels away, I precariously made my way to the dirty bathroom mirror.

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