♰You may call me Mr Ackerman♰

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Y/N swept the floors of the bar were the drunk elderly hung, the stench of beers and spirits stenched the whole place but Y/N was used to it now.

She worked here to look after her Little brother and Grandmother. They needed money.

She was 17, and already working harder than she should, her backed ached and she always wanted to nap. She sat behind the empty bar counter and took out a cigar, she held it to her lips and drawed it in. She breathed it, she coughed in disgust, she never was one to smoke. She tapped in the ash into the empty glass and put the cigar out.

Suddenly the bell shook by the door and a fancy young man walked in, Strange? it was 2 in the morning. She thought to herself.

"Hello?" She spoke.

"Hello, you may Call me Mr Ackerman."

"Well then, Mr Ackerman... Can i help you...?"
Y/N asked in a low voice as she pressed herself across the table, revealing her cleavage, she guessed this guy might be the bar tax, so why not try and lower the price alitte.

Mr Ackerman looked down and smirked, this would be easier than he thought, Mr ackerman had been studying Y/N for a while, He knew she was capable, just what they were looking for, well almost.

"Actually Yes, Im in need of a drink." He smirked, if only she knew.

"Sorry... we're closed." She spoke sternly, she sat up again.

"Alright, then you'll just have to repay me another way." He smiled, stepping into the light, revealing pale almost snow skin and drenched blood red eyes.

"R-repay you! for what...?" Y/N asked as she pushed her hair behind her ears.

"You don't remember?" Mr ackerman asked.

"Ugh...? no?" Y/N replied with alot of confusion.

"I was the young boy, you served when you were 10, You gave me alchohol. If you hadn't, I wouldn't have ended up like I am, Ill explain more of why I look like this in the future, but right now, we must get this over with."

"huh, i don't remember that, and get what over with, get out!" Y/N begged

All of a sudden Mr Ackerman was infront of Y/N, he gripped her waist, tight, too tight. He pulled her in and Kissed her, she tried to pull away but she couldn't she was locked and she felt something, she felt lust, but not her own, It was like her body wasn't hers and it had been taken over.

His lips followed hers, and soon they were on the bar counter and soon, they were on eachother and soon, their bodies were eachothers.

♰Time skip to the next morning,

Y/N woke up with an aching pain that seemed to stream throughout her veins, She pulled herself out of bed and stepped onto the floor, Where the fuck was she. She looked around, no windows, she ran to the door. It was locked. What the fuck. She opened the second door and it swung slowly, She looked in, a bathroom. Hmm, She walked over to the mirror and fear washed over her body, what the hell, was that really her, she felt her face, oh god, Her hair, now a shade darker and longer, her eyes blood red and dark bags hugging them, her skin so so pale and her teeth oh god her teeth, sharped edged. She wepted, and she screamed and she cried, but no one came. Until, The sky went dark and the wind blew, the other door opened, She slowly walked into the corridor and looked down it, at the end of the corridor a light was seen, and faint voices were heard, "h-hello...?" she spoke out, no reply.

♰Seeing Red♰ VAMPIRE LEVI X VICTORIAN READER [completed]Where stories live. Discover now