•chapter 2• Thing is, her personality comes to be a bitch

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Usually I spend my free time reading a nice book or just on my phone hiding behind the screen. Today wasn't like that at all. In fact I'd rather do that then spend my day at the mall with Nordan and Isabella.

They invited us to go and by us I mean me and Alex. He went to the bathroom like two minutes ago and the rest of us are all waiting awkwardly outside the bathroom.

Isabella was saying some things quietly to Nordan and I wanted to puke considering the fact that both of their faces are inches from each other and they were calling each other pet names.

Who still says honey bun?

And what the hell is a Nord bear?

I sighed when Alex walked out the bathroom. I stood up on my feet quickly and grabbed his arm dragging him so we were both in front of Isabella and Nordan.

"Thank god you're out they were all up in each other's faces." I murmured only loud enough for Alex to hear.

"I'm sorry that must've been some nasty shit." Alex laughed wrapping his arm around my waist. The movement was so innocent and calm yet so demanding and possessive. It made me blush, but I hid the rosy colors in my cheeks with my hair.

"You guys sure do walk fast." Isabella smiled catching our pace with Nordan by her side.

"Sorry." I showed a small smile as we made our way down the numerous shops.

"See anything you like babe?" Alex asked his mouth a bit close to my ear which made me smile.

I looked around and saw a pretty necklace on display. I walked over to it which dragged Alex with me.

The necklace was silver and there was many different options. The necklace said Camila on it and I grabbed it.

"I'm buying this." I let out a small laugh walking over to the cashier.

"That'll be $13.28." The lady stated waiting for me to hand the money.

I grabbed my credit card and was close to handing it to her, but Alex shoved a $20 dollar bill at her already.

"Hey no that's not fair!" I whined
"Please! You bought me in&out the other day. This is how I'm repaying you." Alex smiled grabbing the small purple bag and the change.

"Fine, but next time I'm paying." I smirked grabbing his hand and walking away.

Alex caught up a bit with me so we were now walking the same pace him wrapping his arm around my waist ever so casually. He put his lips to my ear and said.

"I didn't know that there would be a next time." Alex pulled away and gave me a wink which made me blush crazy.

We walked off looking around for Nordan and Isabella. There was no way of contacting them considering the fact that both Alex and I's phones died like 20 minutes ago.

I spotted the most expensive store for women's clothes here and inside was Isabella and Nordan. Isabella looked around the racks with Nordan following her around like a lost puppy.

I was about to walk in until I saw something I would never want to see happen to anyone in a million years. It made me sad to see that this was happening to a Nordan too. How could he be treated like this?

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