•chapter 5• god Mila, I'm fucking crazy for you

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I felt a small tap on the shoulder, and I let out a small groan rolling on my side. Who is it? And why can't they just leave me alone? I'm tired and I need my beauty sleep. I mean sleep.

"If you're waking me up you better have a good reason why." I murmured my face in the pillow.

"Mila. " Nordan's soft voice echoing in my ears.

"Yes?" I asked turning around to face him as I opened my brown eyes.

"Uh- I just wanted to know if you were feeling any better." Nordan stated his face falling down to his fingers as he begun to play with them.

One of his nervous habits.

"I'm fine Nord. You don't have to worry about me. My foot isn't really feeling all that good, but it's nothing I can't handle." I reassured him sitting up in bed.

"Are you sure? I'm really sorry Mila-" I interrupted him. Why does he feel like this is his fault? It's not.

"Nordan. It's not your fault I wasn't watching where I stepped and I-" this time he was the one who cut me off.

"No Mila. It's my fault, I wasn't paying attention and if I was watching you you wouldn't have hurt your foot. I'm trying to apologize because I know I could've done better to prevent that okay?" Nordan explained sternly, but politely.

"Thanks Nordan and I still don't want you to think it's your fault okay?" I held his hand, no I'm not actually locking my hand with his. Just gently holding it.

Nordan flinched at my grasp, but he inspected my face and a small smile appeared on his as I rubbed my thumb on his hand.

"Okay Mila, I'll check on you later." Nordan stated looking at our hands one last time before pulling away and walking out my room.

I sighed and fell back down onto my bed. That's until I heard a small bark coming from the floor. I smiled and sat back up on my bed.

Luna was standing on the side of my bed barking for me to pick her up. I gave her a grin and picked her small delicate body up. I set her down on my bed and she roamed around freely.

"Hey baby who's a good girl?" I said in a voice that only people with pets understood.

A few moments later Henry came into the room and hopped on my bed. I let out a squeal of excitement as both dogs tackled me with kisses on the bed.

Luna and Henry laid at the food of my bed laying down and licking each other paws. Sibling goals am I right?

I pulled out my laptop and started editing a video I did with Apex. I'm taking over Chef Sol is gonna be in the kitchen mote often. Screw Chef Apex I went to culinary school unlike him.

Once done editing I looked around my room bored. Now what was I going to do for the rest of my time locked in my room.

I pulled out my camera from my bedside table. I pressed record and started speaking to the camera.

"Hey guys it's yours truly Mila or FaZe Sol. Today is going to be a very bad and boring day. You guys are probably wondering why? Well yesterday I tripped over a twig at the beach. I'm pretty sure I twisted it or sprained it. I'm literally going to stay in my room for the rest of the day." I sighed flipping the camera over to my purple swollen foot.

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