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"Do you know why I like the rain?" She asked him

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"Do you know why I like the rain?" She asked him.

"No" he said, his eyes focused on a bare patch of land out in the distance. She had convinced him to leave his room and told him he wouldn't regret it. So far, he definitely was.

He sighed. She was too lost in her own world to notice. It was a good thing though, since his sigh would indicate how he really didn't care about what she was saying.

Thunder boomed in a distant field.

"Do you want to know why I like the rain?" There it was again. The hope, the excitement in her voice. As if she was going to speak and change his mind about everything completely.

"No" he said gruffly before pulling the hood of his jumper over his head. He was met with silence. A silence that caused him to snap his head towards her. Her eyes, looked slightly pain stricken. She recovered quickly and looked elsewhere.

"I'm sorry" he whispered so quietly, it was inaudible to his own ears. He didn't want to be like this. But he was, and it was a fact he couldn't change. His heart constricted within his chest. He was a terrible person for doing that to her.

The silence stretched out for a long time. She fumbled with the loose threads on her jacket. He looked elsewhere. He sighed.

"Tell me" was all he said.

"Tell you what?" She said.

"Why you like the rain" he said. Small raindrops fell from the skies. From his peripheral vision, he saw her smile.

"It's like a cleansing, sent from God. It's a getaway, a beauty" he scoffed. She shot him a glare.

"Doesn't look so beautiful to me" he rolled his eyes as he said that. A little piece of her heart hardened at his words.

"Because you see the world as black and white. You don't pay heed to the small things, that's why you're always wallowing away in your own misery. You don't feel; you don't allow yourself to feel. To you, a flower is a flower and a cloud is a cloud. You don't see beauty and you've trapped your heart away for years, and taught it not to feel emotions" he was stunned.

"You're so bland and so ignorant" she said, crossing her arms. "You're like a living corpse" his brows furrowed together. "Maybe if you took notice of the world around you and saw the beauty in it, you'd actually feel alive" he laughed. He turned towards her.

The rain smothered down her hair, causing damp ringlets of auburn strands to stick closely to her skin. She fumbled with blades of dried grass. She looked sad. Sad for him perhaps. She looked at him, straight into his eyes. He was caught in her unending gaze.

For the first time in years, he noticed. He noticed the dark green ring around her orbs and the soft and lively green that faded into the center. He saw the irregular smudges of hazel brown near her pupils that made her eyes look different from anything he had ever seen. Her eyes were beautiful. In his mind rang all the words he could use to describe her eyes, but he broke their staring competition and looked away.

She sighed, before turning away.

His mouth opened, closed. Opened again. "What?" She said.

"Nothing" he said. Slowly, without her noticing, he lifted a palm and placed it flat against his chest. Slow but surely, it was there. A faint murmur of beating. He breathed in, feeling his chest expand. He was real, he was alive.

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