Chapter 10: Company

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Taeyang POV


Looks like she doesnt need you taeyang. She already have company

"Tae?" I looked at the blond haired male with my Noona.

"Joseok hyung?" I looked back and forth to Noona and Hyung.

"What are you doing here?" Joseok asked. It was fairly polite but you cant miss the glint in his eyes that was telling me I was interupting something.

"I should ask the same hyung. Why are you two here. Alone if I may add." I said with a sharp tone.

"He was ju-" "I'm actualy courting Seulbi. We figured since she'll be might be staying here for long we figured maybe we should try to continue what we had." Joseok interupted Noona with a slight smirk.

Continue what they had??

Was I mad? No. I'm f*cking furious. I couldnt help but turn my heel and walk away from that place.

I dont want to be f*cking near them. It makes me sick.

I can faintly hear Seulbi noona calling for me, but maybe its just my imagination. Why would she f*cking need me? She already have Joshit hyung with her.

I trudged down the trail slightly limping now. I didn't bother dodging the branches or thorns in the way. I just want to be far away from them.

What would I know. Maybe they were there for three fucking days screwing each others heads off.

She looks at you only as a little brother.

Fucking shut up!!!

A I felt a stinging pain on my knee. I didn't notice the a tree root on the way. I assumed I fell because of the little piece of sh*t.

Cursing the tree. I hissed when I saw blood gashing through the fairly deep cut.

Great. Just great.
I was now laying on my bed. Staring blankly at the ceiling.

My eyes shifted to the panda printed band aid at my knee.

I was confused. The room was silent but my head is filled with questions, frustrated cries and raging shouts. It was deafning.

I just don't know what to feel anymore.

My eyes trailed down again to my band aid covered knee with a so called 'magic pain away kiss'

Well it's not magic but I forgot about the pain. It feels tingly and all those sappy shit. Don't know if its like that because of the kiss or because ot might me infected.

I punched the ground in frustration. Then I just noticed there were alreadt many cuts on my face, arms and my shirt was torn at the side.

It fucking hurts.

My heart fucking aches when I saw that she was with him.

It feels as if she doesn't need me or want to be with me. That she'd rather be with him alone for three f*cking days instead of spending it with me.

She might be looking at me as the annoying kid who keeps on tailing her since childhood or a kid she used to baby sit.

I'm not a f*cking baby!! When will she realize that I loved her ever since!!

Wait. What?

My eyes widened at my own tought. Never would I have ever tought to admit it to myself that I am infact deeply, truely, madly inlove with the girl that was six years older that me.

When did this happen?

Well it doesn't matter when. All I know is I love her and what I'm feeling right now is jealousy.

And all I want to do right now is to go back and take her away from that Joshit!

And the make her mine.

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