31: Orders

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Joseok's POV

She screamed at the top of her lungs in agony and pain.

While I could only watch not knowing what to do.

I tried to calm her down, I tried to take her to my arms, but she only pushes me away.

"You see boy. She's too broken...There is nothing left to love." Mr. Kim said, looking down, then closing his eyes, blocking vision of her child breaking down.

"What's happening to her?! What did you to her!?" Joeok seethed.

"I just unmasked a fraud. This is who she really is, I gave her a chance to be back to her old self, but had the audacity to show her face here again." The businessman stated coldly, as if he's not talking about his own child

"She didn't mean to!." Joseok argued.

"She knew the consequences of going back here, she comes back  then I'll take away her mask." Kai said sternly.

"She didnt want to, she only came because I asked her too." Joseok said, panicking that his fiance is hurting herself.

"Then you have no one but yourself to blame." Kai said stiffly. "Leave boy and never look back. Only I know how to take care of her now."

Jo Seok looked down again at his fiancè, having a mental break down.

She punches and screams at him when he tries to come closer.

She was too far gone.

"Leave now boy." He felt a hand, pushing him to the door.

With tears rolling down his cheeks, he was escorted out off the Kim Industries.
3rd person's POV

Mr. Kim a.k.a Kai. The well known business man with the so called dark past.

Mr. Kim's Dark past, a.k.a his own blood and flesh Seulbi.

After a forced marriage that went down hill, he found love, yet only to be taken away by the girl crying pathetically at his office floor.

Yes, sometimes the man would took pity at the girl, seeing her breaking down, basically loosing her sanity, he couldnt help but feel sympathy to his daughter.

'Stop! Don't you dare feel anything towards this monster! She killed your family!'

Kai stiffened at the thought. Yes. This is not my daughter, this is not my child. That thing is a murdering monster.

Kai kneeled on one knee as he took the child's chin in his hands and harshly pulling the girl to face him.

Seulbi stared back. Her heart filled with agony, pain, guilt. She was in the brink of madness. Holding on to the tiniest thread not to loose her mentality.

"Please...please...please...please." Seulbi pleaded. She didn't know what she was pleading for but she begged nonetheless.

"Look at you...So pathetic!" Kai sneered clutching her jaw tightly.

"P-Please." Seulbi begged as if it was the only thing she could do anymore.

Kai laughed in a sadistic way. Seeing the child beg like a dog. "What? Tell me what you want." He dug his nails at her cheeks, making a small cut, blood seeping trough the wound.

"P-please...M-make it s-stop." Seulbi pleaded, as agony ate her up, like someone was shouting,cursing, nagging at her in her mind.

"Child, I can't do that, that feeling you have right now is called guilt you filthy murderer." Kai's eyes darkened. "I'll let you suffer, it's fun seeing you in this state."

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