24: Right

336 15 2

Jamien's POV

I looked at Seulbi Noona with pity. The poor girl stared at the tiled floor. I can hear her sniffing softly.

Hyung...why are you doing this?

Noona started to hiccup, sobbing in air as she cries helplessly.

"I'll be going. I'm not in the mood of entertaining fans anymore." Taeyang hyung stated coldly.

I watched as Taeyang hyung breaks their formed bond. I watched helplessly as he turns and walks away from his one happiness.

Hyung what are you doing?!

I looked away.

I couldn't watch this heart breaking scene.

I couldn't watch them ruining each other.

Seulbi Noona's sobs started to get louder and faster as she cries harder.


I jumped in surprise from where I stood as I watched Noona wipe her nose.

So she wasn't crying?

"Park Taeyang! You come back here you bitch!!! I did not raise you to disrespect your elders!!" I watched wide eye as Seulbi stomps towards Hyung who was at the same state.

It was a bit amusing watching fear grow in my hyung's eyes as Noona got closer by the second.

"I did NOT raise you for you to do this to me! I was eight when I first fucking change your diaper!! Eight!! I should still be colouring the walls at that age!! And you cried to me till you were nine just because you wet your bed!!" Seulbi scolded.

I slapped my hand to my mouth to muffle my laugh. I looked to my side and saw the other members rolling on the carpet muffling their laughs and others held the couch for support.

I turned to look back at the scene and saw Taeyang hyung gave off a cold expression. The laughter tuned down as well to watch the scene before us.

"I said I don't know yo- aw- no! Ouch!!" Teayang hyung cried as noona held him down pinching his ear.

"Don't you try that bullshit with me young boy! I will not tolerate this kind of behaviour! You know I hate lying!-"

I couldn't hold back, I laughed out loud as the others doubled in laughter, watching the well known 'King' the ruthless yet charming ruler of Knights Royale cowers down to his Noona that was almost half his size.

"Ouch- I'm sorry Noona! Ow! I'm Sorry!!" Taeyang hyung begged, red face from embarrassment.

"I did not-"   *hit   "spend-" *hit   "half of my childhood"   *hit   "taking care of you-"   *hit    "for you to treat me-"   *hit    "like a stranger!!"

"Ow!! Ow!! I said I'm sorry noona! I'm sorry Seulbi Noona!!" Taeyang cried as he helplessly sheild himself from the small woman smacking him.

"Oh! So now you know me? What? You had an amnesia then magically you remembered?!" Seulbi exclaimed. "You have a lot of explaining to do young man!"

We watched our leader get dragged out the room by the ear. Everyone was laughing and desperately catching their breaths.

"Where's Seulbi?" We turned to look at the two girls that just slept trough the entire show.

*yawn "so...What did we miss?" The smaller one asked, while rubbing her eyes.

The members shared a knowing look and bursted out laughing again.

"You girls missed everything."


Seulbi's POV

"Explain. Now." I glared at Taeyang once we were in an empty room after closing the door behind me.

"I don't need to explain anything to you." Taeyang glared back.

"You little-" I lifted my hands to smack some sense into him, but he caught my arm in mid air.

"Noona stop hitting me!" He glared and pinned my hands above my head to prevent him being abused further.

"Because you keep being a rude ass! I deserve an explanation Taeyang!" I struggled to break his hold in my wrists. "If you don't explain right now I'll reveal your embarrassing childhood pictures to the public!" I

"Noona, do you have any idea what situation are you in?" Taeyang said darkly. "You are in no position to make threats."

I then realised what position we were in.

Alone in a room, him pinning me down.

My breathe hitched when he stepped closer, pressing our bodies as his scent hits me, making my senses dazzled.

"Noona, did you perhaps did this on purpose?" He smirked darkly as he trailed his right hand on my hip while his left hand kept me pinned to the door.

I gasped as tingles exploded from his every touch.

"Noona, did you drag me here on purpose so we could be alone." He whispered making me shiver.

"N-no I didn't. I said I wanted a-ah." I gasped when Taeyang trailed his lips from my ear, running down to my jaw to my neck.

No this is wrong!


"Taeyang, st-stop." I tried to pull my wrist from his grasp but the moment he attached his lips to my neck I was a goner.

I was lost.

I was lost in his scent, his touch, his very presence made me lose myself. Our close proximity didn't help one bit, this familiar warmth sets me on the edge, it makes me crave for more.

But this is wrong!!

"Noona." Taeyang purred at my ear.

Why does this feel so right?

"Noona, you don't know how much I want to do this."


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