Seulbi's POV
I sighed and rolled over, laying with my belly.
And I am extreamely bored.
Apparently my old friends, Cheska and Athena was having a two months vacation in Hawai.
They almost flew back immediatley when they found out that I came back, but I insisted they enjoy their vacay....
So here I am with nothing to do.
Ever since the drunk episode. Taeyang was avoiding me like a plegue.
It was bad enough that he was this cold bipolar teenager on a freaking 'whatever' phase. Now he just disappeared.
I sighed again anf rolled over bringing the covers with me.
I probably look like a human burrito...
Getting extreamly bored. I stood up and stomped my way next door.
The door was locked and there was music playing inside.
I took my spare key under the creepy lawn gnome and continued stomping towards Taeyang's room.
"Taeyang! Noona is bored!! Entertain me pheasant!!" I shouted, not caring if he was lying on his bed shirtless.
"Taeyang!!!!" Not even sure if he was wearing something under his sheets, I jumped on his back and whined like a child
"Taeyang! C'mon! I'm bored, I've been rolling around doing nothing!"
"Then roll around some more...I'm busy." He grunted. Mufled by his face burried in his pillow.
"But I don't want to join Adele in rolling in deep" I whined not realy understanding what I'm saying myself.
"Noona. No." He stated in a hard tone.
I raised an eyebrow. "Do I look like a dog to you? I'm older here you should follow me."
"Certainly doesn't act like one.." he muttered.
"Hey!" I slaped his back. "You should realy respect your elders especialy if youre talking to someone who knows all your worst childhood memmories! Like time when you-"
I was pulled down to bed while his arms wrapped securely around my waist. Taeyang was gazing at me sleepily.
"Noona let me sleep. We had an event at work. We had a lot to arrage and clean up last night and the other night. And I realy like to" he muttered and slowly his eye lids started to fall and he was back to sleeping.
He looked so peaceful. His lashes were thick and long that I an currently realy jelous of. A slightly crooked yet pointed nose. His features was sharp and stern. Yet I still find the innocent light in his face with his slightly parted lips.
I wonder what it feels like againts mine...
I shuddered. Thinking about my dongseang like this was a no-no.
He's like my little brother...yeah a little brother.
"Noona~ where's my goodnight kiss?" A drunk Taeyang whined.
I sighed and walked towards my bed and sat down. I chuckled when I saw he was pouting like a kid.
I patted his head and kissed his forehead. He smiled at me and pointed his cheek.
"Cheeky bastard."
It was nothing new to me that I wad giving him goodnight kisses.
I've done that since he was three!
So I leaned in and kissed his cheek but at the last second he turned his head so I my lips smacked the side of his.
He stared at me intensely but then his eyes rolled back and he passed out, sprawled unatractively around my bed.
I sighed and tucked him in like I did a thousand times before.
I frowned upon the memmory. I tried to pry his arms off me but he only tightened his hold and burried his face in the crook of my neck.
Seemingly that there was no escape. My hands instinctively carresed his soft hair while he sighed in satisfaction.
I shivered at the warm breath that hit my neck.
Slowly my lids became heavy and I found myself snugling closer to the warm body againts me and I let myself fall to deep slumber.
He's only like a little brother...
"Taeyang! Get your lazy ass up I'm bored and I want ice- oh." An unknown girl bursted through the bedroom door. Making me wide awake.She was realy pretty, looked like a doll even. Long brown hair curled at the ends. Big blue eyes, perfect pouty lips, long curled lashes, fair skin. She was wearing a white lace crop top and high waist skiny jeans with a pair of white chucks.
She looked like she can harm nothing but her gaze tells me otherwise
She looked at me with her peircing blue eyes and judging dark gaze.
"Taeyang...Kick out that slut of yours will you. I'm bored so lets hangout." She said to a half awake Taeyang.
"I am-" "not a slut you bitch. Heard it already so if you mind can you please leave me and best friend" She sneered.
I'm alive!!! Blood Sweat and Tears brought me back... and
Jungkook....why u so r00d!! Where's ma innocent baby fetus!!
Jimin....where did ur mochi adorabe cheeks gooo
Taehyung!! Who ripped ur wings?? Ima rip their hair!!😂😂
Jin...You just made millions of fangirls envious of a statue...
How to be statue po.
Rapmonster!!! Peaches and cream?? I screamed when I found out what it meant!! U dirty! And i likey😱😱😂😂😂
Suga. Swag. Damn you so lit!!😍😱 my laptop litteraly overheated at ur part😂😂
And last but definately not the least
J-hope❤...always loved how you body moved passionately in every beat. It's like water the flows flawlessly how your body rolls with the music. Ive always admired how you dance😁😁😁😍
Looking forward for the next "hope on the streets." In V live :)
Seulbi: Author nim!! Where's ma innocent baby Taeyang!!
Soon bby gurl ;)

My LOVE Noona
Ficção AdolescenteWhat is love? How can you tell if its realy love? Well to a certain five year old boy, love is his neighbor Seulbi... Who is eight years older than him. After Pre School Little Taeyang would wait at her front yard, waiting for his big noona to see...