15: Girls Night out.

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Seulbi's POV

"Come on Seulbi! You need a break!" Athena whined

"Yeah! When was even the last time you've checked any of your social media, or even opened the tv!" Cheska continued.

"Hey! I open my tv! I watch it everyday!!" I defended.

After I consulted to the girls that I heard 'Taeyang' the other day, and they tought I've gone mad.

Well after being a complete wreck at the first few months, I busied myself with anything and everything.

Joseok helped me in so many ways than one. He diverted my attention and made me see things other than him.

No social media that can temp me to search him up.

No tv or news incase he got caught up in trouble.

No popullated cities that makes me look back at every other person that I see him as.

"You watch cartoons. Cartoons that Minie watches." Cheska said boredom dripping from her words.

"Do you even know new released songs?" Nope. My mind was blank of any answers.

"Any rising artists?" Nada.

"Any new boy groups you stan?" They said in inuision.


"You see! You dont have time to look around anymore! It's like you've cut your ties with the outside world." Athena exclaimed.

"Girls...You know I'm just being practical here, I doesnt matter if I'm out dated or dont know the latest happening. I dont need to know if Jisoo finaly got out the second lead role or a random girl in instagram gone trending after showing off all of her wonders... and besides I'm busy taking care of Minie any ways." I said truthfully.


"Girls...just drop it. Please..." I sighed.

I know what they're thinking. I know that it myself because whatever they're thinking is correct.

I've been pre occupying my attention to things that doesnt really concern me. I do things that was not necesary. I locked my self in my own safe bubble, never letting anythuing that can involve him.

"Fine...but we miss our little goofy angel, can we hang out with her for atleast a whole day?" Athena pleaded with a soft tone.

"We miss spending time with you Bi." Cheska added.

I feel bad now. I didn't realize shuting myself from the world, I've been pushing away two of the most important girls in my life.

The girls that was sassy and bullies me but loves me to death. The girls that makes me laugh and showed me a new part of me I never knew. The girls that was always wanted the best for me.

"I'm sorry girls...I'm an awful friend." I bowed my head in shame.

"You should be! Now you owe us a churro! Come on the amusment park may still be open!!" Athena shouted.
I hugged my denim jacket and shivered.

Man these girls eat a lot!!

I eyed the boxes of churro's and looked back to the girls eating their hearts out.

I looked to the side and saw a shooting game but what really caught my attention was a large baby pink llama plushie as prize. I'm sure I looked like a kid right now admiring the stuffed animal.

I already tried three times but my aim isn't the best so I always ended up shooting down 3 or 2 over 10 targets.

So I just stood there looking at the llama longingly and glaring the smirking guy on the counter.


"I'll play."

I looked up and saw a tall figure wearing a black cap.

Not really caring I looked back at the smirking jerk and continued to glare at him.











My eyes widened when I realize the man beside me won. He shoot all ten without wasting a shot. Even the jerk's eyes widened in shock.

"I'll take this..." He took the stuffed animal I've been looking at, my eyes following his hands pulling the llama.

I looked up and saw him looking down at me.

"Seulbi!? Where you at mi amiga??" Cheska shouted with a cringe worthy spanish accent.

"Chanwoo hyungie~ the hyungs are waiting for us." A smaller guy with also a black cap pulled the guy infront of me. Wait...the guy from the ice cream shop?

The man blinked and walked towards another group of boys.

Meanie! For a second there I tought he was gonna give me the plushie.

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