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Warning: there is gonna be some gay ass shit about to happen. Read at your own risk.

Just me supporting LGBT COMM. ;) I recently started school and one of my prof. Announced he was a proud LGBT which made ma happy that my classmates accepted him and enjoys his class.

PS: it's just a bit of side story if you want to skip scroll to the #####

Jamien's POV

"Has anyone seen hyung? The show is about to start?" I asked, I cant seem to find Taeyang hyung anywhere.

"Hyung?" I called out as I peeked through one of the doors. I could hear murmurs and whimpers so I was sure the room wasn't empty. "Hyung are you there?"

I gasped but immidietaly muffled my voice with my hand. Infront of me were two of my hyungs...kissing.

"K hyung? Zean hyung?" I whispered to myself as I my sight finnaly adjusted to the dimly lit room.

The two broke off, gasping for air, lips swollen and hair dishieveld. Zean hyung looked down, averting his eyes from mine as K hyung looked at me with a straight face. "The show is about to start, you should go get ready hyungs and Chanwoo is looking for you K hyung." 

K hyung nodded and excused himself after he whispered something to the smaller and kissed Zean hyung one last time.

Zean hyung stood there awkwardly, rubbing his right hand on his left arm. "Jamien...I-I-" "I don't want to hear it hyung. You and K hyung made it pretty clear." I stated and turned towards the door.

I felt small hands grab my wrist. I looked back at Zean hyung his head hung low, his small frame cowering over mine. "I-I'm s-sorry." He said under his breath.

"Sorry about what? That my bestfriend and my boyfriend have been going at it behind my back? Spare me your pity, I don't care anymore." I sneered and walked out the door.


Taeyang's POV

"Noona?" I asked bewildered, making me stand from my seat.

"Boy what are you standing there for? Sit down!" My grandfather scolded.

I glared at the old man and sat down nonetheless, as I watched carefully as Noona sat down my left side. "Now that everyone is here, shall we order?" The man, I mean Noona's father suggested.

Half way through the dinner, grand father and Mr. Kim started to talk buissiness , I excused myself but my grandfather glared at me. "Sit down! Don't be rude you ignorant child."

I huffed and followed anyway. I look to see at Noona's reaction or even a slight change in her expression...but none.

"Seulbi, why won't you take care of your fiancè so he's not bored." I raised an eyebrow at Mr. Kim's tone. It had a slight edge to it.


Before I could register that she uttered her first word that night, my reflex pushed my body to turn to the side, dodging the dinner knife that wa hurled towards my head.

I looked wide eye at the cause of it then back to the knife that was now nailed to the wall beside my head.

"Goodness gracious! I'm sorry for my carelesness. I meant show him a good time, not that kind of taking care." Mr. Kim laughed as if my life wasn't threathened earlier. " Sorry about that child, I forgot to choose my words. Now Seulbi, show your fiancè a good time." Mr. Kim dismissed the girl beside him and let his attention fall to the eldest.

I watched as the girl bowed her head then stood up, she took my hand that was laying limp on my lap and pulled me to god knows where.

I was pushed to the girl's bathroom, Noona locked the door behind her.

"Noona wha-ngh." I couldn't help but grunt, the moment her lips attache itself to my skin, she pressed her body againts mine, I couldn't help but notice how her small frame fits into mine. "Wait! N-Noona!" Before lust could completely cloud my mind, I lightly pushed her away from me, keeping my grip on her shoulder incase she'll pounce on me.

Just a minute ago she was throwing knives at my head! What the hell is happening??

"Noona what the hell has gotten into you??" The said girl only looked at me blankly, as if she didn't just threw herself to me. "Noona what's wrong, this is not you?" I gripped her shoulders a little firmer.

"I'm showing you a good time, as ordered. Are you not having a good time?" Seulbi spoke up, probably that longest sentence she said this evening. "According to my past research, this is what they would call a good time." I looked at ger as if she was uttering nonesense which she clearly is doing.

"Wh-" "The boss have ordered to give you a good time, perhaps sexual intercourse is not in your preference? What shall I do to grant your satisfaction?"

It was like talking to a machine with artificial inteligence. Her tone never changing and her formal way of speaking says it all. This is not Noona.

"What happened to you noona?"

"I'm sorry but I'm not oblieged to answer that."

"If you want to give me a 'good time' I want answers." I looked at her sternly. The girl infront of me looked lost? Like she was having an internal debate. I secretly hoped that this would work. From the looks of it she only followsher father's orders, if she was ordered to satisfy me then she should do what I say.

And I say I want answers.

"As you wish..."

Boooooring update ik😑😑

Welp I recently started in a new school and welp.... I'm awkward as hell and I dont know no body on the huge ass campus .

BTW I'm gonna audition for the school's "dance company" wish me luck!!😀😀😀

Ps: I'm starting to hate stairs😱😱 my room is on the third floor and the canteen is on the fourth and when I come home to my dorm I also need to climb another set of stairs and another one attached to the bunk bed.

Pps: I'll update again SOON.

PPPS: what does PS means?? Comment if you know!😁😁

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