| you're younger than him |

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Shawn being the youngest of his friends, always tried to date women older than him to make himself look more mature, that was until he had met you. You were almost two years younger than him and the fans had a field day with it. They always liked to write comments like "At least when he dated older woman they could teach him something." or "(Y/N) is too young! Here they are shopping together. Shawn, don't forget (Y/N)'s diapers!"

It was difficult to take all the hate but Shawn always reassured you that you were much more mature than them and he loved you either way.


You and Matt have been together for almost 6 months when he asked you to meet his family. They asked you questions like "What are you going to do after high school?" and "Do you have a career plan?" You didn't know the answer to half of their questions and could feel their disapproval of your age and lack of experience.

After a very rough dinner you and Matt were on your way back home, you had been trying to hold it all in but let a few tears fall. "(Y/N) why are you crying? Did I upset you?"

"No, baby,it's not you. It's just hard to keep up with you. I'm still in high school and I don't have my whole life planned out yet."

He grabbed your hand and smiled, "You don't have to have everything planned out, you just need to have planned out that you'll brush it off and smile when you're with me, just plan to be happy."


You and Cameron never had a problem with the age difference because you were only 3 years younger but you guys fit perfectly together because the guys were all younger than him and age never really made a big difference.

But one day the fans caught hold of a heated make out session and the next morning it was plastered all over the magazines and all over the internet. You got a lot of angry calls from your family who always had disapporoved of your relationship.

Your father actually said "Drop it with that boy or don't bother coming home." It was harsh but he had always been brutally honest.

"Love don't cry, I promise i'll talk to him, I can get him to like us. To see that we are perfect for each other." You assured him as he kissed you and you smiled for the rest of the night. Knowing that Cameron was going to make everything better.


The boys often teased yours and Aaron's relationship because you were much younger than him. One day though they had really pushed it too far. "We can't even go out because SHE is here, Aaron! It's us or her man." Carter was already pre drunk and they hadn't even left to go out yet.

All you had asked Aaron was what time he was going to come back, your parents were out of town and you guys were staying together. "Babe don't worry about him, he's already drunk. I'll be home before it's too late. I love you, and your age isn't going to change that." He pecked your lips before heading out with the boys.

He wasn't gone for more than thirty minutes when he crawled onto the couch with you. "The party wasn't that fun, I figured i'd have more fun here with you."


You may have been the oldest out of your friends but you were by far the most immature. You and Jack were new to dating each other but things were getting pretty serious really fast.

Everyday your friends dropped hints about how he was too old for you, and that he was just going to start using you. You always let it go because you knew they just meant well until one of your friends said it to another one of her friends, that friend in return posted about how much all of your friends hated your relationship on twitter.

News spread really fast and soon even Jack had seen it. "Is this true, do they all hate me (Y/N)?"

"Jack, they're just being protective, they just need some time to really get to know you. Besides, it doesn't matter to me anyway. I love you, no matter what people think."

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