1/4/17 entry no. #41 Love, Testosterone, Tats and birthdays

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Hey guys not updated again in a while! But I have a girl I met her on the 16/1/17 I she's amazing like amazing! We have had to fight through so much fucking stuff and are still fighting for us. I love her honestly like I actually feel so happy with her and it's real happiness not just 'happiness' I felt before with my ex's. No this is the real deal! I love her so much oh my life!
    Oh and peeps I should be on testosterone very soon as I've had my bloods done and my GP will give me a call at some point to tell me! I'm so excited! I am also getting a tattoo on the 11th of April the day before my 18th birthday. Yeah that's right I nearly an adult! How scary but I can do so much stuff like get tattoos, drink alcohol legally and tons of stuff! Oh and to all a happy April fools day and to all a good day!

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