10/7/17 Entry #44 Sorry I barely update and Testosterone update!

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Sorry I barely update people just not been on much! Like 2 months really. However on a positive note I am nearly half a year in a relationship with my beautiful girlfriend Erin! I'm so happy! I'm also nearly two months on Testosterone! I want to thank you all for your amazing support that you have given me. Thanks guys.
       Oh and I'm guessing yous wanna know the changes I have been having? Well it's subtle changes right now nothing totally major! I'm getting slightly hairier, voice cracking, acne, horny all the time, hungry all the time, I get hot and sweat alot more my skin is changing, my hairline changing more, slight facial hair growth (really tiny dark hairs). Oh and downstairs is growing too *blushes*. Three H's are hitting me hard not going to lie! Anyway I better get going more updates to come once again so sorry!! Bye lovelies!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2017 ⏰

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