14/1/16 entry #22 ahh parents, weirdos and bullies..-_-

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Well my mum is calling me kaitlyn mostly and she was going off her head because I was talking about testosterone and surgery.My dad is still not sure about it either.I told them 'Kaitlyn is dead, she never existed' I hate my birth name and being classed as a female.My parents say I'm technically still a girl and I just blank em...got that off my shoulders.
      Oh and the bullying happened today again in the snack bar when I went down at break.There were a group of boys looking at me and sniggering, they kept staring and I was freaking out to my friend begging to get out of there.I only wanted a cookie, I got it and left with my friend as quick as we could.It occured again when I was walking to my mother's house for an overnight.Some boys were saying "hey you patched us yesterday! Are you a boy or a girl!?" (Patched means ignored up here btw :P) And I blanked em and walked quickly and surrounded in people I know.
        Later that day I had one of my guy friends texting me saying that he wants to see my boobs and feel them.He texted me "*goes down ur shirt and into your binder*" and I freaked out.I told him that I won't let anyone touch me in that way as this isn't my body and I can't have that happening to me.I thought he was my friend and he kept talking about my breasts and I couldn't stop crying and I had to block him.It was just getting far to much for me to deal with.He knows how I feel about this body its not mine!

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