Chapter Eleven

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Pulling up to Presley house, I quickly hopped out the car and ran towards Mrs. Sloane who was standing at the door with a wide smile on her face.

"Violet!" she happily greeted me as i gladly accepted her hug.

"Ms. Sloane!" I said with the smile of a crazed person on my face. God, it had practically been ages since I'd seen this beautiful woman.

"How are you dear, it's been ages" she said while releasing me to get a better look at my face, "and you look so beautiful sweetie" she complimented, making an immediate blush appear on my face.

"i'm fine Mrs. Sloane. You haven't aged a day since I last saw you!" I said observing from her head to toe in a non perverting way.

  "thank you Violet, now go on in sweetheart Presley's been bouncing off the walls all afternoon" she laughed.

"okay" I said walking past her and  into the house.
"Presley!" I screamed as I ran upstairs and towards the direction of her room.

"i'm in here!" she shouted back from her room with the same exact bright pink door from when we were kids.

"hey hey hey!" I said whole jumping onto the bed beside Presley who was scrolling through her phone.

"hey! your right on time. I was just about to call you" she smiled up at me before returning to her phone.

"Well i'm here. And since since were talking about food, where's the cookies!" i squealed while looking around for Mrs. Sloane's world famous peanut butter cookies.

"who was talking about food?" Presley asked as she tossed her phone off to the side and fully began facing me.

"We are silly" I said while squeezing her checks, making Presley smack my hand away while smiling

"what movie?" she asked referring to the Netflix symbol that was appearing by on the screen in front of us.

"Comedy duh" I said while stuffing a Hershey's kisses into my mouth

"Okay well the cookies are down stai_"

Before she could even finish her sentence, I jumped off of the bed and raced downstairs like my life depended on it, into the kitchen, and right before my very eyes were my babies. 

"save some for me!" Presley shouted from her room causing me to release an evil chuckle while eyeing the plate of deliciousness in front of me

"No way, these bad boys are mine!" I shouted back before grabbing a handful.

I had told Presley that I wanted to watch a comedy movie because you can never go wrong with a classic comedy, but did she listen? No, she decided to ignore my words and put on a stupid Romance novel.

"Why are you staring at me and not the movie?" Presley asked as she gave me a quick glance from the corner of her eyes.

"Tell me more about Jax" I all but smoothly asked

"Okay..... what do you want to know about the guy you already know?" Presley asked while eyeing me weirdly.

"Like how he's seemed to change and how he ended up with a girl like Britney.... not that it really a surprise to me" i said while laying on Presley's stomach to get more comfortable with the topic we were approaching.

"well like I said earlier, he's changed. He doesn't bully people anymore and he even apologized to most of the people he did bully" she said while smiling down at me " but he didn't start dating Britney until a few months after you left" she mumbled the last part.

"Oh, cool to know" I said trying to understand the sudden feeling of sadness that suddenly overtook me.

"He doesn't like the way Britney acts but he won't leave her" she explained in hopes that maybe that would somewhat make me feel better.

"Well he deserves to be with her. I'm sure he's just putting on some 'good guy' act Presley trust me, I know from experience he'll be back to bullying in no time" I said while standing up to stretch.

"I don't know violet, he's been nice every since you've left" she said now standing up with me.

"but why? Why would he suddenly change after I  left? How come he could't be a better person while I was here? What changed his mind?!" I asked her in frustration and for the need to know answers.

"I don't know, why don't you ask him!" Violet asked in frustration at all of my sudden questions that she didn't have the answers too.

Immediately glaring at her, I quickly looked away before sighing in defeat "I'm sorry pres i'm just so confused" I admitted while offering  a half shrug, "he had nine years to change but decided to do it once I left?" I mumbled while allowing a bit of hurt to run through my voice.

Before I could register what was happening, Presley had grabbed me and brought me into a hug. A hug I very much needed.

"I know it sucks Violet, but be happy that he changed. Was it too late? Maybe, but he changed" she assured me, and I rolled my eyes at knowing she was right.

"I guess" I mumbled childishly

"Well I'm happy that he's apologized to you. That's good." She said causing me to give her a weird look.

"Who said anything about him apologizing?" I asked, and she started at me in shock

"He didn't apologize to you? How rude!" She said, immediately getting upset at the idea

"I mean he tried, I just never really let him finish because I was upset with him. I'm still upset with him" I explained so that she would calm down

"Well then that's nobody's fault but your own. Stop being a shrimp and accept the mans apology already. I did." She told me, and I groaned before falling into her bed in frustration, yet again!

"It's not that easy Presley, He was my bully!" I shouted with my head buried into her covers

"He was mine too" she defended

"He was my crush!" I retorted back causing Presley to go silent

"I know" she whispered while staring at me with sad eyes

"He was my crush pres, and he rejected me in front of everyone. He ruined me" I told her, and the only thing really appropriate to do in times like this was eat.

"Peanut butter cookie?" She offered, and I immediately took it while stuffing it into my mouth.

"Thank you" I somehow managed to say with my mouth jammed full of peanut butter deliciousness.

"Your welcome you chaotic lunatic" she smiled at me and all of my emotional craziness.

This is why Presley and I were so close. She understood me, and knew exactly what to do to make me feel better. She always seemed to have my back no matter what, and I vice versa with her. This is what true friendship was. She accepted me and all of my bizarre flaws, and I accepted her.

"I love you to Presley" I told her as I began stuffing my face with my tenth cookie.

"I love you too Violet. Now get the heck off my pillow" she said while yanking her like green people from underneath me, causing me to laugh at her behavior.

"you stilll have that stupid pillow?" I asked in amazement at how long that pillow has managed to survive.

"mr. Snowe is not stupid! He keeps my bad dreams away and he's really soft" she said while holding the pillow she's had since we were kids safely in her arm

"okay okay he's not stupid" I said raising my hands up in mocking defeat

"I know he isn't. He helped me get a perfect score on my SAT" she pouted and I playfully rolled my eyes at that news.

"come on, let's watch mean girls and fan girl over some hot guys" i suggested knowing that it was one of Presley's all time favorite movies.

"yes!" She said while repeatedly fist pumping the air, making me laugh at her foolishness before joining along with her. 

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