Chapter Seven

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Time had flew before me, and it was finally time for lunch. My energy level had suddenly made a drastic change, as I soon began to literally bounce up and down at the thought of food. I just loved food that much!

Entering the cafeteria, all eyes were on me again and I walked in with my head held high towards the lunch line, where my beloved food was awaiting. As I waited in line for my food, I had spotted the 'cool kids' table in the center of the cafeteria, and a evil little plan began taking over my brain.

Once i had stacked my tray to the brim with food, I started walking towards the table with the biggest smile I could manage, and plopped down beside Britney, making everyone stop what they were doing, and stare at me as if I'd grown a second head.

"Uh Britney" one of the fake blondes had called out while still staring at me.

"What?" Britney asked, not even bothered to look up at the girl. Poor tink.

"Somethings sitting beside you" the girl had managed to say, while pulling a look of disgust . Did this plastic Barbie really just call me a something? How rude! Before Britney had time to reply, I had tapped her on the shoulder and gave her a friendly wave.

"Hey BFF! So dad just called to tell me that him and mom wouldn't be home tonight, and that he hoped everything was going well for me, and for me to tell you to make sure I feel right at home, so what better way to fill at home than sit with my favorite sister?" I said cheerfully.

"Britt, I thought you said she didn't live with you?" a different girl had asked. 

"She doesn't!" Britney quickly defended

"Then why did she just call your parents her's?" One of the jocks had spoken up this time, causing Britney to get annoyed at the fact that she had to explain herself.

"Because she's obviously my dad's assistant from London, and in London they call their bosses dad because you know" Britney trailed off while looking around to see if anyone was listening "London people are just weird" she mocked before giving me a taunting smile.

As everyone continued on with their normal conversations and occasionally glares of disproval, I began thinking of how to in-act plan B, since my first plan was a bust.

With an sly smile, I leaned over to Britney before 'whispering', "OMG Britney is that the famous Derick and Lain! Their so cute together!" I said, faking admiration towards the couple, which caused lain to smile at me.

Derick and lain have been dating for what seemed like forever, and everyone loved it. They were basically the IT couple of the schools, but under all that happiness they displayed, they were true evil bitches.

Derick use to verbally abuse me, along side Jax and a few others, while Lain not only physically bullied me, but was also the leading head in the reason I left.

"Thank you so much!" lain said while wrapping her arms around Derick and kissing his cheek

"your so welcome!" i said sweetly before leaning back over towards Britney. "I can't believe Derick ever cheated on her. I mean I understand cheating once, but twice? That's just awful" I said with a frown.

Before anyone had time to react to what I just said, Lain had stood up with a lightning speed, and glared down at her boyfriend "you what?!" She shouted at him with an accusing stare.

"Baby I can explain!" Derick said trying to defend himself, but only seemed to make it worse once he confirmed that it was true.

"So it's fucking true?!" she shouted even louder before turning towards Britney, "and you fucking knew but didn't tell me?" she all but spat at her.

"What? No Lain I didn't know, I'm just as surprised and confused as you are!" Britney said with panicking eyes.

"Your such a shitty liar! I'm done with all of you" Lain said before storming out, with Derick hot on her trail.

"See what you just did bitch?! Now Derick and Lain might break up! Who even told you that to begin with?" Britney shouted at me.

"You did silly, don't you remember?" I said giving her a confused look.

"No I didn't you little psycho, I would never have told you something like that! Just stay the hell away from me and my friends before you cause anymore damage" she said and stormed out the cafeteria with her minions following behind her.

After that exaggerated event,  and the table practically being empty, I continued to eat my food happily.

"Why'd you do that Violet?" A voice had asked, causing me to jump and place a shaken hand over my heart.

"Holy shit Jax, you practically scared me to death" I said

"You didn't answer my question" he said with his jaw locked in place, showing that he was annoyed at me.

"Not that it's any of your business, but because I felt like it, and they deserved it. You all deserve what's coming towards you" I told him before returning towards me food.

"I know we hurt you Violet" he said, causing me to slightly stiffen, "but we've changed. We all feel like shit for what we did to you, but that doesn't make it okay for you to go out and do things like that for some kind of sick revenge" he spoke softly, but that only seemed to grow my anger.

"You don't get to tell me how angry I'm allowed to fucking be Jax! You weren't the one being bullied and beat almost everyday of your life! You weren't in my shoes! So if I feel as if I deserve some sort of comfort, then I'm going to do whatever the hell I can to get it, even if it means hurting others who've done me wrong in the process!" I practically shouted at him, before taking a deep breathe and trying to call myself down.

"Your right. I can't tell you how to feel or what to doc, but I can say this. That hate that your holding onto isn't going to get you anywhere, and this so called revenge that you seek after, isn't going to make you feel better Violet" he told me.

"Yes it will." I childishly mumbled while glaring at him.

"No, it won't. And I hope that someday you realize that before it's too late" he said before walking off.

"Well, you can suck it!" I shouted after him before angrily taking my anger out on the food in front of me, and everyone's else's trays that had been left behind.

When your in doubt, sad, happy, mad, or confused, just eat food. And if you don't have any of your own food to eat, then eat someone else's food.

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