Chapter Fifteen

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It was a bit chilly today so i went for a casually trying but not trying too hard comfy look you know?. Okay so maybe i was trying to look cute today, what did you seriously think after what Jax said to me last night i wouldn't try to dress to impress him? Plus i think its about time i showed people i'm back and not the old chubby violet they remembered, but a better version of her. I had ran a brush threw my hair letting it fall down my back in its usual natural curls before putting it in a high ponytail letting a few strand hang down then i put on a little lip chap, eyeliner, eye shadow, and blush for my makeup then i sprayed my vanilla perfume on and grabbed my bag stuffing all my supplies in it along with my phone and headphones, you can say i'm taking advantage of my fathers wealth by spending thousands of dollars on his credit card that he gave me as an 'sorry' gift, hey he did say spend what you like so being the oh so amazing person i am i spent it all, yes i said all and i mean all. Yesterday i re-decorated my wardrobe and bought all new name brand clothes, shoes, jewelry, hand bags, hats, even undergarments and socks, but one thing i could not get rid of was my old shoulder bags (the bag in chapter one and six) i loved them to death, so i guess you could say that was the only non name brand thing i wore on me. I grabbed my keys to my white beauty and headed downstairs not even going to start with britney but i must say the look of suprise on her when she saw my outfit was amazing "if your trying to change the way you look and act now its too late now everybody already knows your a stupid slut and they hate you because not only are you wierd but you broke up the dream couple" she said and i just shot her my gold winning smile as i walked towards the door "love you sissy!" I said in a cheerful voice before closing the door before she could get another smart mouthed word in. When i got to school to say the looks people were giving me made me proud of myself, i must admit i clean up well and its about damn time i showed off my model like body that i worked hard for. I was recieving lust looks from guys, bitchy stares from gurls, whisperes about the violet being back and how she's "so much prettier" or "should of stayed gone" and the best part "she ran away and got kidnapped and the people who took her starved her to death so she got skinny and when they finally found her she didn't need her glasses anymore and she dyed her hair when it grew out crom being gone so long", yes people i totally got kidnapped!. When i reached presley locker she did a double take on me making me blush as she pushed her glasses back i to place on her nose before smiling at me "wow violet you look great" she said and i smiled "thanks" i smiled "who knew my best friend was so hot" she chuckled making me blush again "your hot to presley here tomorrow we are going to get you a whole new look, clothes," i said and she shook her head "no no no i don't mind new clothes but i'm keeping my glasses maybe just get them re-adjusted and my hair is perfectly fine so thank you very much" she stated matter of faculty and i laughed "sure okay presley i forgot the whole be who you are and own it deal" i said and she nodded "and i plan on sticking to it if people don't like me for me then they can butt out" she said and i shook my head intwining my arms with hers as we walked to out classes "aww presley i love you" i said "and i love you_ oh here comes jax" she said stopping and so did i to see jax walking towards us and he was checking me out, like literally checking me out which made me blush again, uhhh stupid hormones "violet" he said in a breathy way making the skin on my arms stand up "hey jax" i said looking down "oh uh hey presley how are you?" He asked her "good" she smiled "good. You look beautiful violet" he said and i looked at him "oh uh thanks you_you look beautiful too_ i mean not beautiful because guys can't look beautiful but you know handsome and hot and oh god did i just call you hot and handsome? I mean your not and i didn't mean to yeah_ hey the weather is so nice!" I rambled as my face turned redder than a tomato "yeah that wasn't akward at all" presley said rolling her eyes "still the same violet" he smiled before walking off but not before sending me a secret wink "oh my god i just totally made an idiot of myself" i groaned "or your already an idiot" britney said with her group of followers as they were now standing where jax was "what do you want britney can't you just not bring you and your drama groupies around for once?" Presley said shocking everyone including me... well then "can it whore" one of the bleach blondes snapped and brintey rolled her eyes "jax is mine freak do you understand me? Your already causing trouble here nobody likes you maybe you should go back to london where you belong with your pocket full of british freaks and stay the hell out of my way and away from my boyfriend got it? Because if i have to repeat myself to you there will be hell" she snarled at me "wow its wonderful to finally see your inner bitch" i smiled at her "yeah? Just wait until you see my inner devil she can be the real bitch" britney barked making me a little scared and when she noticed it she straightened back up glaring at me and presley, by now a crowd had most likely formerd around us "i'm done with you iv'e wasted enough of my breathe you get the point and if not let me put it into clearer words for you jax mine not your" she said like i was dumb and i snapped "let me tell you something you fucking retard if i wanted jax i could easily have him the new me and the old me and if you ever talk to me like i'm stupid again then i'll show you stupid. Wow your ass must be offended from all the shit coming out of your mouth" i said causing a few students to laugh and britney slightly blush "whatever i made my point now move bitch" she said pushing me out of the way but i grabbed her arm "if i wanted a bitch i would just buy a dog and if you want to keep that fake ass nose of your i'd watch it because your stepping on thin line and relax it was just a joke you don't have to take it so hard it's not a dick" i said getting another round of laughs including from presley... and she's religious! "Let go of me this isn't a damn zoo!" She said yanking her arm out of my grip as everyone starred at us now with there phones out waiting for more action "i'd slap you for touching me but you know shit splatters" she said and a round of laughter went around as i rolled my eyes "i was going to give you a nasty look but i see you already have one" i said and some 'ewww's came as i smirked placing a hand on my hip "Jelously is a terrible disease get well soon!" She shot back smirking as well "i could say nice things about you but i'd rather tell the truth" i said "oh i'm sorry was i suppost to be offended? Because the only thing successful to offend me is your face" she said, damn she's good but i'm better "keep on talking maybe you'll find something intelligent to say", and the bell rung signaling we were all late for class but no one dared to move "your so ugly even hello kitty says goodbye to you" she said "you remind me of a barbie, plastic and useless" i said looking at my nails now "how about you have a nice big cup of shut the hell up!" She demanded getting made now "i don't shut up i just grow up and when i look at you i just want to throw up" i said and as if i had ticked something in her she jumped at me "bitch!" She shouted "hey!" A voice shouted making everyone freeze and look at the source of the voice "if any of you don't want to spend the next month in detention, lunch dutty, or help the janitors clean up every day after school for an hour get to class now!" The principal barked and everyone took off "not you two!" He pointed towards me and britney, i slowly turned around glaring at her to see her glaring back at me "you two to my office now" he said and i groaned, great just fucking great!.

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