Chapter Twelve

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Pulling up to the house I knew that I would have to take to Jax about what happened earlier, but what I hadn't been expecting was for him to be waiting on my in the living room.

"Violet" he called while standing from the couch, and as he went to take a step toward me I held my hand out to stop him.

With a defeated sigh, I walked over to him and practically threw myself onto the couch. "you can sit" I gestured towards the couch once I realized that he had still been standing.

"Sorry" he mumbled before sitting beside me.

Deciding to just get straight to the point so I could relish in the feeling of my bed, I turned towards Jax and let out yet another exhausted sigh.

"I know you've got questions_" I started, but was ever so rudely interrupted by an annoyed looking Jax

"Questions ?!" he all but shouted as he jumped from the couch as if it were covered in molten lava, "Questions don't even begin to describe what the hell is going on through my brain right now Violet !" He exasperated while repeatedly running his hands through his hair.

"Jax please calm down, your going to gain the entire house attention" I whispered while standing at his level to get him to see the desperation in my eyes.

"How can you possibly ask me to calm down Violet after you fucking called me Jaxton. You called me Jaxton Violet !!!" He reminded me for what felt like the fifteenth hundredth time.

"I know I know I know Jax that I called you by your stupid government name, now could you please shut the hell up !" I hastily whispered before covering his mouth with my hand because at the moment it seemed to be the only other choice I had. 

"Now when I remove my hand you aren't going to shout anymore right?" I lowly asked while Jax shook his head in confirmation to what I had said.

"Good" I nodded in approval, and right as I was going to move away from him I felt the slick moisture of what my mind could only register to be saliva run across the palm of my hand.

"You ass wipe !!"  I shouted  while quickly snatching my hand away from him with the most vicious glare I could muster, "Why the hell did you lick my hand you creeper ?!" I demanded to know as I rubbed my surely STD contaminated hand against his shoulder to rid of the sickening feeling.

"Why did you call me Jaxton ?" He all but calmly shot by which only seemed to fuel my anger.

"Because you were being an annoying ass !" I hissed in response while crossing my arms over my chest and turning away from him.

"I missed you calling me that" he mumbled so low that I had to practically strain my ears to catch it. "Your the only person who's ever called me that," he stated while emphasizing on the 'you'

"Well good for me" I lamely shot back as I was still somewhat upset that he actually licked my hand, the nerve of that ass wipe.

"Why is this so hard Violet?" He asked in the most defeated voice I had ever heard, which made me turn around to face him

"Because it's you and me were taking about Jax, and things have never been easy with us" I told him, being greeted by a light chuckle in return before he fell back onto the couch.

"Boy is that true" he mumbled while running a hand over his face in what I only could assume to be defeat.

"I'm  sorry" he finally spoke after a moment of silence, " I'm so fucking sorry for how things turned out" He admitted.

Not being able to handle all of this in just the spam of one day, I got up with a shaky sigh and gave the best smile I could muster, "It's in the past Jax and I'm over it" I all but lied as I quickly scrambled past him and up the stairs towards my room.

Not many people knew what actually happened between me and Jax, and even though Presley knew most of it I still managed to not tell her the most important part. I had slept with Jax, and as much as I wanted it to be a one time thing.... it wasn't, and it ran so much deeper than that.

Needing to cool down from the previous events, I entered the kitchen for a quick drink of water only to be greeted by one of other than Sasha.

Sasha was another one of my bullies who also happed to be the cheer captain, the same cheer captain who taunted me during and after cheer tryouts because of my weight throughout my freshman year.

"hey Sasha !" I faked a smile while walking over to her only to earn an annoyed eye roll in response.

"don't talk to me you freak" she said before pushing past me, but I was quick to grab her arm and turn her back around because I wasn't quite done with this drama filled day yet, " what do you want bitch ?!" She shouted while yanking her arm out of my hold.

"If i'm a bitch then your a slut for sleeping with the entire football team your freshman year" I told her with a smug look on my face, but that only seemed to make her to laugh.

"whatever you don't know what the hell your talking about freak" she seamlessly dismissed me with a wave of her hand

"Oh yeah, How about the reason your cheer captain? Everybody knows daddy  paid the coach to get you that position" I continued my assault as a brief look of hurt crossed her face, "What, did you really think those weak ass flips were good enough?" I snarled, and before I knew it she had pushed me against the wall and was in my face.

"I love how you try to act all confident and strong but the truth is that your still the same weak and pathetic Violet you were all of those years ago" she said with a satisfying gleam in her eyes as I starred at her in disbelief.

How the fuck did this plastic Barbie doll really flip the tables on me ?!

"Are we speechless now bitch?" she asked in mock concern while snapping her fingers in front of my face, "Did you seriously think you could try to confront me and get away with it?" She asked before eyeing me up and down in disgust.

Gripping life by the balls, I did what any sane person would do in these sort of situations and head butted the bitch.

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