Chapter Forty

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It's officially been twenty four hours since Violet came up missing and it hurts. Twenty four hours soon turned into two days which turned into five days, a week, three weeks, and finally one whole month. One month since I last saw Violet and I'm still not use to the pain. After the first week of her disappearance I learned from her dad that she had left and went back to London. She left her phone at home so no one could contact her. The message was her way of apologizing for leaving me and the message which mentions 'problems' was referring to jax. Jax is still with Britney and doesn't look like he's fazed at all of the disappearance of his so called 'love' which might I add ticks me off. "Pres" Johnson signed pulling me out of my thoughts and to focus on the incredibly attractive guy in front of me "you spaced out again" he said making me blush and look away from him "sorry" I mumbled "your ice creams melted" he said and for the first time I notice my once fully frozen treat had indeed melted "oh gosh. J I'm sorry I've been acting different these past few weeks it's just_ it's hard to believe she actually left. She left me when she promised she'd never leave again" I finally admitted. We made a promise when she came back that no matter how tuff or hard times got we'd never leave each other and she failed. She left me here all alone with no one to run to for boy problems, sister talks, or even just a girls day and all she could do was send a lousy text. A text. Is that seriously all our friendship means to her? I fill hurt and even betrayed in strange way "I know I can never understand what your going through but I want you to know I'm here for you no matter the situation, time, or day" he said and a smile appeared on my face "even during that time of the month?" I asked and his face turned a slight shade of pink making me fall even harder for him "as uncomfortable that might be for me, yes even during the time of the mo the talks" he said "wow you must really care about me" I joked "more than you'd ever know" he smiled and now it was my turn to blush yet again "okay fine. I miss my little ninja slash third wheeler" I whined and he burst out laughing "there's my baby!" He shouted making me slap my hand over his moth as a couple of people stopped to look at us "shhh your attracting attention" I scolded him "your all the attention I need" he smirked "ha ha very funny you little flirt" I playfully rolled my eyes at him "alright seeing as your ice cream is dead let's go" he said standing up and letting out a loud grunt as he stretched "where too?" I asked curiously "somewhere that will surely clear that precious little mind of yours" he said playfully poking my head "meanie!" I said sticking my tongue out at him "the biggest" he shouted while lifting me up and onto his back "ahhh J put me down!" I laughed not caring if people were looking "not a chance babe, not a chance" he laughed along with me before he began jogging towards his car. "J!" I shouted for the hundredth time in the past hour "pretty pretty pretty please tell me where we're going?" I Begged "for the hundredth time that you begged pres no" he said chuckling a little as I just starred at him "fine" I huffed stubbornly staring out the window without saying a word for the rest of the ride "oh come on Presley don't do that" he sighed rubbing circular motions on my left thigh "hhmff" I said crossing my arms tighter as I lifted my chin into the air "Presley" he said but I still ignored him "pres" he tried again but nothing "oh pres baby" he called in a sweet voice making my heart flutter "oh baby baby I love to call your name baby!" He sang entwining our fingers "baby you make my world a better place!" He said and I burst out laughing "your such an idiot" I smiled while shaking my head at him in disbelief "yes, a complete and utter idiot for you" he smooth talked "oh gosh what am I going to do with you?" I asked staring at his perfect face in complete admiration "ride the Ferris Wheel with me at seven o'clock" he said and I looked at him confusingly before he nodded his head towards the window and when I looked out I starred wide eyed at him "is this?" I asked shocked "yes" he said "ahhh!" I screamed throwing myself into his arms making the car slightly swerve which instantly made me jump back "sorry!" I quickly apologized "let's try to make it at least past the gates alive okay?" He asked and I nodded shaking with excitement from his surprise, yeah this could defiantly take my mind off things. Squealing and spinning around with a giant smile on my face as J held my hand we walked towards the entrance and handed the lady our tickets "okay. Here you guys go" she said handing us our wristbands "welcome to Disneyland!" She said and with that i dragged J to every single ride possible, that is of course until it was seven o'clock. Once we reached the top of the ride I gasped "it's so beautiful" I whispered staring at all he lights and the stars in the sky "yeah it is isn't it?"
He asked and I looked up at him "this is perfect" I smiled at him "not quite yet" he whispered "what do you mean?" I asked "be my girlfriend" he said and I completely stopped breathing "what?" I asked "me and you pres. what do you say?" He asked again and it took me a minute or two but s smile took over my face and I kissed him. It was perfect and this time like so many others I didn't shy away "I really really hope that was a yes" he mumbled against my lips and I laughed "yes" I said and I could see him smiling before he kissed me again.

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