"Katilynn." says a quiet voice.
I smile, but keep my eyes closed.
Collin sighs and hits me with a fluffy sack. His pillow.
"COLLIN!" I scream at him, now fully awake.
"Sorry, I didn't know how to get you up. You sleep like someone who's dead." Collin tells me.
Back at home, my mom and dad would tell me how impossible it was to wake me up.
"Sorry I was tired. I..er.. get. Well, ya know." I stumble awkwardly.
That word echos in my head.
The two of us stayed together for the whole night. Therefore, making the deal complete.
"Ah," Collin says interrupting my thoughts. "I see."
Collin and I just sit on my bed in silence.
"Katilynn, I have to go back to my..um place. You know for clothes for training. It's 9:30 now." Collin says, getting off my bed.
I nod and watch as Collin walks away.
What are you doing?!
For once, I actually agree with my thoughts. Collin is my boyfriend now. Girlfriends aren't suppose to let their boyfriends leave with this much awkwardness in the air. Really, there shouldn't be any awkwardness.
When I lived in the Theory, I never really dated anyone. I mean, no one really took an interest in me. In 8th grade there was one boy named Jake who tried to get to know me, but that never got to the level of romance. Nothing close to that.
Unable to control my feet or emotions, I jump off my bed and run over to Collin and press my back against the door before Collin could reach for the knob and leave me.
Collin's face is exactly 6 inches from my own.
"Katilynn, um... what are you-" Collin starts, but I don't let him finish.
I lean forward and kiss him.
What do you think you're doing?
Kissing my boyfriend?
Well, you suck at it.
Do I? I've never kissed anyone in my life before. No one but my parents.
I pull away from Collin and drop my hands to my sides. Looking at his face, my eyes go strait to his.
Just like mine, they're gray. However, his are a little darker, yet they're no where near black.
About 10 seconds go by after I pull away from Collin, until he kisses me.
Shocked, I just stand there.
As if he's done this a million times, his hands go to my waist.
I've seen this in movies and the girl usually wraps her arms around the guys neck.
Why not?
Attempting (and not doing a great job) to steady my arms, I gently wrap my arms around his neck.
This feels absolutely amazing.
Without realizing it, both our eyes are closed and nothing else seems to exist.
It's 9:30.
I pull away, wishing I didn't.
"You have to go." I say. "I mean, to get your things together for training."

I'm Alive [CANCELED]
Teen FictionWhen you turn 18 you're an offical "adult" and that's great, right? Not from where I come from. Once you turn 18, you die. Well, not everyone is killed. They draw only 25 names of boys and girls from my hometown who live. If you aren't picked then b...