The Triforce Issue

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When Zelda woke up she was chained to a wall in the dungeon of a castle, undoubtedly Ganondorf's. She looked around the cell she was in to try to see where she could possibly escape. Ganondorf was informed that she had awaken, and went down to the dungeon. 

" Well look who decided to wake up..." He smirked

Zelda pulled at the chains on her wrist," Well I would be in a more comfortable state if it wasn't for a certain person..." she retorted.

" Now who would that person be?" he said sarcastically," It couldn't possible be me... Well enough small talk you know what I want princess, so why don't you just give up this little brave act and give it to me?"

" I would never give you of all people the Triforce and you never are going to have it!"

Ganondorf's smirk turned into a scowl and he headed towards his throne. He called for Dark Link who came into the room quickly.

 " Dark," Ganondorf said seriously," Did you take care of that little problem for me?"

" No master, I failed the hero stabbed me..." The alter ego looked to the floor.

Ganondorf growled at the shadow," I thought I gave specific instructions he was not to be left alive..."

" Y-yes you did M-master, I am ready to take any punishment you give me."

" I want you to scrub the castle halls and I want them SPOTLESS, am I clear?"

" Yes Sir!" Dark Link ran off.

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