The Game

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( disclaimer: I do not own any of the Nintendo Legend of Zelda characters.)

A very bored Zelda sat in her chambers waiting for something new to happen. She had already tried to go outside to no avail, the guard didn't let her out. She then tied her bed sheets together and leap out of the window wearing a hood so no one recognized her. Zelda waltzed around in the court yards for a while when she decided to go into the royal garden. That's when she saw her sweet little hero. Link was sitting under a tree gazing at the stars, he felt someone's presence and stood up protectively. Just as he reached for his sword Zelda spoke.

" Its alright Link it's only me"

" Princess!" Link exclaimed surprised," excuse me I should have been protecting you instead of slacking off.."

Zelda giggled softly," its quite alright Link. I'm actually glad that you haven't told me to go back to my room."

link blushed, he had always Liked the princess, well then again who wouldn't? She had beautiful golden hair, eyes the color of the ocean, and the elegance of a butterfly.

"Link?" Zelda asked interrupting his train of thought

" Y-yes princess?" Link stuttered

"oh please, don't use formalities," she smiled," call me Zelda."

Link was surprised by this, being on a first name basis with the princess was a huge deal. Link bowed.

"of course I'll try to remember that pri- I mean Zelda."

" May I sit with you?" she asked politely

" I would be delighted."

Link smiled as the princess quickly but elegantly sat next to him.

"um.... Zelda?" Link started," if you don't mind me asking what are you doing out here all alone?"

"oh you know, I'm just sick of being held in my chambers like some sort of bird in a cage. I understand its to protect me, but I want to go on an adventure or do something meaningful."

"you run Hyrule everyday and make sure everything is working right... I don't know how that isn't meaningful." Link claimed

Zelda smiled at link her blue eyes gleaming at his. She blushed softly thinking about what he had said as she looked back at the stars. her job really was important, but that shouldn't mean that she has to stay cooped up in the castle all day. Link stared at the princess, relishing in her beauty. He grabbed her hand causing him to look at her.

" Yes Link?" she asked quietly

"Zelda," He began," I've been meaning to tell you this for a long time."

"what is it?" the young princess asked suspecting what he was going to say.

" Well I want to start a new game..."

Zelda looked unimpressed, "what kind of game?"

"well," link started, " All I want you to do is close your eyes and count to ten..."

"that's it?' Zelda asked.

Link nodded as Zelda started counting.

"one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, ni-"

Before she could get to ten Link pressed his lips softly to hers. She was surprised and relieved at the same time. Zelda kissed back putting her arms on Link's shoulders. He pulled away smiling as Zelda was blushing immensely.



"Lets run away... together."

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