The Wound

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Dark Link wandered up the castle stairs to Princess Zelda's Chambers to bring her food. As he approached the room he told the guards to move out of the way so he could pass. The guards stepped aside and allowed him to pass. He put on his best sincere smile as he approached the princess, who was sitting in the window sill looking outside.

" I brought you your meal princess." he smiled.

She turned around from where she was looking out the window. She looked the shadow in his blood red eyes with her lifeless blue ones. The normal ocean color blue in them was gone and was now replaced with a more dull grey-ish blue color. The young princess obviously had lost all hope.

" I thought it would be a nice change for you to actually talk to someone for once."

"Yeah thanks..." Zelda mumbled as she looked away from him and went back looking out the tower window. Dark Link set her dinner on the red comforter on her bed and went and sat next to her. "You can leave now..." she said without looking at him.

Dark Link kept didn't move an inch. "I'm not leaving Princess." he hated this side of Zelda. He loved how she used to fight back with confidence and pride in her country, but now all that was left of her was a hollow shell.

'Why won't he leave?!' Zelda asked herself in her head. 'I can't tell if he is doing this to play with my emotions or if he genuinely wants to talk... well... someone who's link's alter ego cant possibly be completely evil...'

"Is anything bothering you princess..?" The shadow asked after what seemed to be an eternity of silence.The young ruler of Hyrule looked at him with tears in her eyes. She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out except some tears from her eyes. Dark Link wrapped his arms around her and tried to comfort her. "Shhhhhhh," he began, "I'm here, you can talk to me, and if you want I could come up here everyday and talk to you.. "

"R-really? You'd d-do that f-for me?" Zelda sniffed.

"Yeah, its not like I have anything better to do."

"Thank you Dark.." She never thought she would actually say thank you to link's doppelganger...

The shadow gasped and grabbed his abdomen as blood seeped through his clothes.

"Are you okay?!" Zelda asked frantically.

"Yeah It's only a stab wound, nothing really to worry about." He said breathlessly.

"Nothing?! She yelled," what do you mean nothing?! I'm glad that I found a first aid kit in here!" She searched behind her bed until she found a small grey metal box. "Shirt off, now." She demanded.

"Well, well princess, if I didn't know any better..." he smirked as she turned around and gave him the death stare, Then she turned back around to get the supplies she needed, which was a needle, thread, scissors, bandages , and medical tape. He slipped off his back tunic top and waited. As she turned around she blushed seeing Dark link there with his defined muscles and six pack in plain sight. "Are you just going to stand there and gawk at me all day?" He smirked.

"I was not gawking! I was.... Observing your wound. And those stitches are going to have to come out." She grabbed the scissors and cut out the stitches, the shadow winced. She next reached for the thread and needle and started sewing up the wound again. After she was done she took the bandages and wrapped them around his waist. He slipped his tunic back on and smiled awkwardly at the princess.

"Thanks, you don't know hard that would be if I tried to do it myself."

"No problem, but now I'm telling you that you are to come over here everyday to get your bandages changed until that's healed, understood?"

" Yes my princess," he bowed and walked out of the room feeling strange... Could this be what love felt like?

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