Chapter Sixteen.

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Elena had a lot of fun with Seb but she was starting to miss Jim now, he had been gone all day and hadn't come home all night. Seb had taken her to bed when she fell asleep on the sofa waiting up for Jim. She got up the next morning expecting Jim to be there but he wasn't. She looked around and sighed before getting up and getting ready. Seb was outside weight lifting again but Elena didn't go out to see him. Instead she curled up on the sofa and sat in silence. How could she be so upset after just one day without him. He was sending her crazy. Was she falling for him more than she thought? She was sure Seb would send her the same way. As she falling for them both?.
She sighed and got a book out and read it for a while before falling asleep. She didn't know how long she was napping for before she was woken by a car door shutting.
She got up quickly and ran to the door. Jim was typing on his phone stood next to the car "JIM!" She said and ran over to him and practically jumped into is arms making him stumble a little but he caught her. "Ella are you okay?" He said a little shocked and confused when he heard her sniff like she was crying "I missed you" she mumbled into his shoulder with made him go all soft. He put her down and gave her a loving and passionate kiss. He wouldn't usually do this in front of his driver but he didn't care now. "I missed you too" he smiled "I was worried .... you didn't come home... what happened" she said looking up at him. "I'm sorry, the issue wasn't sorted until early hours of the morning and I was too tired to travel, I would have called but I wouldn't have gotten through" he sighed and pushed some hair behind her ear "I'll make it up to you he said kissing her head "how was yesterday then?" He asked coming back into the house with her. "Good...." she smiled to herself "did you ..... bond with seb?" He asked as he sat down with her. Elena nods shyly which made Jim smile. "Good, I'm glad" he said pulling her close to him. "My brothers are mad at me. They want me to come and see them when we go back to London... will you come with me?" She said nervously. "To Baker Street?" He smirked "that should be fun, course I will" she sighed "not to wind them up but I don't want them manipulating me to leave you" his smirk suddenly dropped "no that won't happen..... I won't let it" he said and he didn't realise he was holding her a little too tight "Jim..." she nudged him. "Sorry.." he said quickly "it just won't happen okay" he said tilting her head up to him and kissed her softly "forget about that for now, we will deal with that back in London" he smiled "I have a present for you..... if you want it now" he said looking down at her. "Present? Yes! Show me what is it?" She said excitedly which made him laugh. He got up and brought a pretty box out from the car and passed it to her. "I hope you like it...." he said a little nervously.
She unwrapped the box and pulled out a red dress.

 She unwrapped the box and pulled out a red dress

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"Me and Seb want to take you out on a date...... if you like?"  He mumbled nervously as he watched her reaction. "Oh my god it's beautiful!" She said with a bright smile "of course I want to go on a date" she said putting the box on the side and kissing him quickly which made him smile "Seb has got you the shoes upstairs, I hope he hadn't been soft and showed you them before now" she shook her head "no I had no idea" she said just as Seb came in. "Seb..." she smiled and came over to hug him "ahh date night then" he said looking over at Jim "I better shower first" he said pulling Elena off of him and looked down at her "fancy coming with me?" He smirked making her blush "ummm...." she said glancing back at Jim "go ahead, I'll find us a restaurant" he said getting up to go back out to his driver "umm okay then" she nods. Seb picked her up and carried her upstairs to the bathroom where they got undressed "Jim knows ..... just thought I would tell you" she said shyly. "Okay that's fine" he said not seeming too bothered as he turned on the shower to the perfect temperature "come on kitten, before you get too cold" he said taking her hand and pulling her into the shower with him. She sighed and closed her eyes as she relaxed under the warm water. Seb watched her adoringly before he washed himself quickly so he could turn his attention back to her. His fingers ran though her hair as he shampooed her and washed her body making sure not to miss anything. "Watch it" she laughed as he spent a bit too long soaping up her breasts. "Sorry, I just love them" he said kissing her neck. "Well you can see them later now I have you both back" she smirked "I just can't wait for date night, I've never been on one before"

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