Chapter 7: Night out

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After lunch, everyone went upstairs to help including Sabine so that left Ezra all alone. Sabine said he could continue on his painting in her room if he wanted and even though the gesture was nice, he decided not to be in there without her.
So he sat on the leather couch with a sketchbook in hand, drawing a bird in a cage with vines wrapping around the bars. As he drew his mind wondered, before long he came across a thought he long since abandoned.

'Would they mind if I play the piano?'

Deciding they couldn't hear him two floors up, he set his book and pencil on the side before standing up. He quietly walked over to the piano before sitting down, letting his hands graze over the keys. Ezra sighed softly before letting his hands take over, not having a care in the world.

Everyone upstairs was bustling in a hurry, making sure everything was there and clean. His books were there, his bed made, the window clean and clear, and that the lights were working. But before long, they heard something they've never heard in the house.
The piano.
And it wasn't just some simple song, the notes were fast and quick, note after note so fast they thought there were two pair of hands. Wanting to see for themselves that it was indeed a specific person and not a recording, they all carefully walked down the lofts stairs, down the hallway, and down the stairs.
Kanan, Hera, and Zeb watched amazed as Ezra sat at the black, wooden bench with his hands flying. He sat with a straight back, eyes closed, and his head leaning back letting the sun shine right around him like a spotlight.
Slowly, they made their way into the living room and sat down on the couches, not once letting their eyes tear away from the performance. They listened closely, and after a few seconds they felt the story behind the music.

The story of sorrow, pain, and loneliness. But they could all feel the underlying tone of power and happiness.
After another 3 minutes of listening, the song slowly came to an end and Ezra leaned forward coming out of his thoughts. His eyes widened as he heard other breathing in the room and snapped his head to the group that sat comfortably on the sofas.
"I'm so sorry. I thought y'all couldn't hear and decided why not. I didn't know it was decoration, I won't touch it again." Everyone's eyes widened at the speech but one laugh rang throughout the room. A gentle, soft laugh that fell through with her voice, "Love, if you play like that, its all yours. You can play whenever you want. But I do want to hear more of it." Ezra blushed and looked down to his lap where he was ringing his hands. "Sorry once again." Hera shook her head before saying, "Its ok Ez. But I have a compromise." Ezra looked at her with squinted eyes, "Ok?" She smirked, "You play like that whenever I ask and I'll show you your room." Ezra smiled lightly, "I'll play whenever you want with or without a room." She smiled at the kind boy before she stood while brushing off her light wash jeans, "Ok let's get you up into your room. And don't worry about your clothes you got shopping, we already put them in the closet." Ezra nodded shyly, standing up and following everyone up the stairs and to his door.

But before Kanan could even grasp the door handle, Sabine gasped and said quickly, "Wait! I have to show you Ezra's painting in my room. You will not believe that he did it."
Interested, they walked back down the hallway before opening Sabine's multicolored door. They all walked inside and turned to the wall Sabine gave him to work on. Everyone gasped in surprise while Sabine carried a smug look and Ezra with rosy red cheeks.

The wall had two large eyes that covered the white wall in the background. But the amazing thing was the color. The eyes had the sky, a sky filled with stars, nebulas and shooting stars. Long eyelashes adorned the shape causing a feminine feel to the painting.
They stood there, staring at it, in one place and every place. "You did this, Kid?" Kanan asked absentmindedly. Ezra nodded, "Yeah, I had drawn the same design from like two years ago and wanted to see it in paint. I don't think it looks good but nice to have your compliment, Corporal."

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