Chapter 21: Tangled

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Two days have passed. No change. Same thing everyday.
Ezra wakes up not wanting to eat then continues to lay in bed and watch as his family talks before asking boring questions from the doctor. Passing out for an afternoon nap, the group sneak out for lunch before coming back with something small only to have it rejected.
Today, however was going to change. Around noon, Ezra was sitting in his room wincing at every sound as his headache picked up. Zeb and Kanan casted worried looks in his direction debating whether or not to get the door. But it seemed they didn't have to as Dr Nala entered the room with a clipboard. She looked at the pale boy before sighing in dismay, "Do you have another headache?"
Ezra whimpered in response before turning on his side away from her. "You know this is caused by your lack of appetite. Your already underweight as it is and now your body is showing signs. Do you still not want to eat anything?" She looked at the teen pitifully as the boy repeated his previous actions. She sighed, "You know what we have to do now, right, Ezra-kun?"
At the comment, he slowly rolled over with tightly closed eyes but whispering, "Please, you know I don't like it." He opened his sapphires which were shining with tears and watched as the doctor sighed. "And you know how much I hate doing it. I'm going to need you two to wait outside while I do this."
Kanan and Zeb slowly stood up in apprehension before quietly  questioning, "Wha' are you goin' ta do ta hi'?"
Dr Nala looked at them sadly before explained, "When a patient gets too underweight or refuses to eat, we put a feeding tube down their nose and into their stomach which will get them the nutrients they need. As you can probably tell, it isn't comfortable and Ezra-kun has had plenty of them. So I'm going to get it while you exit the room."

After hearing the door click shut, Ezra's tears finally made their way down his face, his body hung over with silent sobs. Zeb immediately went forward and scooped up his brother into his arms. He rocked him in a soothing pattern and cooed softly at him, "It's goin' ta be alrigh'. Jus' ya watch, Kit. If ya wan', ya ca' hang on ta me th' entire time." Ezra just held the elders shirt in his tightly clutches hands, trembling. Kanan crouched in front of the pair, running his hand through the blue mass, "It'll be ok, Ezzy. If you keep this up, your headache will become a migraine. We'll be right here ok? When the girls return, even they will be there for you ok? Now, we have to go but right after, we'll do whatever ok?"
He looked at Zeb in sadness with guilt etched in.
At that moment, Dr Nala appeared with her equipment in hands. Seeing them still here, she sighed once more with a smile, "Are they staying, Ezra-kun?" He shook his blotched face and felt himself being slid back into the bed. He opened his bloodshot eyes and watched as they disappeared behind the door. Dr Nala came closer with the thin clear tube and tan pouch of liquid. She sat on the edge of the bed and placed it at Ezra's nose, "You ready?" He quickly reached behind him for a pillow before nodding.

10 minutes later, Dr Nala came back out with nothing in her hands. She glanced at the two worried people before smiling to herself, 'He finally found someone.'
"You can go in now and please comfort him. He's going to need it for the upcoming days." With that stated, she walked away from the rushing footsteps and opening door, 'You did well, Ezra-kun. You did well.'

Immediately focusing on the crying child, they rushed in without thought and cuddled the boy in their arms. Ignoring the tube entering his nose and taped on his cheek, they wrapped him in the fuzzy blanket they brought and made him straddle Zeb's waist as he leaned into the broad chest. Ezra sighed in content at the contact and snuggled into the chest of his bigger brother. Zeb got all the way into the bed and leaned back against the propped up bed, still holding the trembling teen.
"It's ok. We've got you now, like we promised."

Hera and Sabine entered the darkened room and smiled at the sight. Zeb and Ezra were still cuddled together but now on their sides with a tube running over them and Kanan was leaned back in his chair with his feet propped up on the bed. Quickly snapping a picture on her phone, she stepped up to Kanan while Sabine got Zeb, well tried to as all he did was pull the smaller mass towards him. A hand gripped her shoulder, making her look back at her father in confusion. He waved his head to the door and both females walked without complaint.

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