Chapter 12: Mr. Protector

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"When did you get here?"

They all chuckled as the ruffled haired teen looked at them with glazed over eyes. "We came to find you after we figured out you weren't outside. And next time, tell me you have a pet wolf." Hera replied heated. Ezra chuckled and dropped his head to rub the sleep from his eyes with his balled hands, "Sorry, it got boring so I came out here." He suddenly paused in his movements and his head shot up. He looked over at them with a calculating look, " How did you find me?" Chopper dropped at head into his head into his lap with a small 'wolf'. Ezra looked down at him with a smirk, "And here I was thinking you wanted your den secret." Chopper growled without looking up and got up, leaving the confused people and laughing teen.
"When you say 'den' do you mean his home?" Ezra nodded and ran a hand through his hair, leaning back on his hands. "This was the home I helped dig for him. It's under this tree." They nodded in understanding and sat in silence, enjoying the sounds and feeling of nature.
But of course, all good things have to come to an end.
Hera gasped as she remembered lunch and stood up. Brushing off her pants, "I just remembered about the food! If you still want food, let's go!" Everyone stood up making her smile and Chopper to peak his head around the side of the tree. Hera glanced at him, "He can come if he doesn't scratch my floors."
Ezra smiled widely, "Last one there is a rotten wolf." Chopper perked up and started running full speed through the meadow. Ezra laughed aloud thinking in the back of his head,
'Glad they didn't see them'
and quickly chased after him, running with the speed of an Olympic runner. They stared in shock as the wolf and disabled boy disappeared into the forest.
"Wow. Who knew th' kid could run" Zeb said impressed. He silently leaned down and picked up the MP3 that was still playing, turning it off.

Once everyone was inside with a boasting kid and sulking wolf, did they all serve plates to themselves filled with sandwiches or chips. Ezra kept discreetly sliding chips off the island where everyone stood to Chopper who sat ready at his feet. Hera glared openly at the teen as he did so and finally got feed up saying, "Ezra, if Chopper wants some chips or if your not hungry, get him a plate. Don't feed him your food."
Chopper jumped on the counter with his front paws and both Ezra and him tilted their heads in one direction, "Whatever do you mean?"
Ezra said as he laid a chip in front of Chopper, the wolf quickly licking it up and getting back into position. Sabine and Zeb were already laughing quietly on the sides but the move made them burst out laughing. Hera trying to keep her straight face suddenly cracked a smile and said chuckling, "I'll give you that one. That was good, Love, but seriously you need to eat more. You weigh no more than a ten year old."
Chopper hearing this, turned his head and growled lowly at his friend, pushing the plate with his nose towards the human. Everyone watched with a smirk while Ezra sighed exasperated. "Seriously! Now I have to deal with Mr. Protector. Again! You want to know what happened last time?"
Everyone leaned in curiously.
"He brought me dead animals every night because he heard my stomach rumbling. He wouldn't leave me alone until he saw me eat one. Not that I actually did. He just thinks that."
Chopper looked at him with wide eyes then squinted as he started growling again, louder.

Ezra, seeing Chopped was extremely mad, quickly picked up his sandwich and took a big bite. With his mouth full, he said with his voice shaking, "See I'm eating. Happy?" The wolf huffed and laid his head on the table. The teens and mum watched amazed as the wolf got him to eat and not just his sandwich but everything on his plate.

The first time he has ever done so since he came to their home.

After lunch, Ezra asked Zeb and Sabine for his homework and quickly rushed upstairs with his bag and Chopper in tow. Zeb looked at Hera, "Tell me. Do you think Chopper is a good pet or not?" Hera smiled and looked at the burly teen and the multi colored girl, "I think Chopper should be allowed whenever he wants if he acts like that. And did you see how Ezra ate everything on his plate? He's never done that before! I think Chopper will help Ezra in more ways than we can at some points."
The teens nodded in agreement then continued upstairs but before they could leave the kitchen, Hera questioned as she washed dishes, "I'm guessing the bullies are no more?"
Zeb chuckled, "Ya make it seem as though we killed them but yeah, they will't mess wit' hi' "
"Good, we don't need anyone hurting an already damaged boy."

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