Chapter 8: Luke and Leia

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"EZZY!" The two screamed as they jumped out of the alley, joining everyone on the sidewalk. Ezra sighed as he got down on one knee, "Why are you out so late?" The two stepped closer into the streetlight and the others could finally see the twins clearly.
The girl had brown hair that was pulled up into a tight bun and brown eyes to match. She had a pair of pouty lips and rosy cheeks and her name was Leia.
The little boy who looked about the same age as Leia which was about four it seemed had sported sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. His name was Luke.

They both dropped their heads and brought the blankets they apparently brung closer to their chests, tears gathering in their eyes. Ezra frowned and said softly, "None of that now. It's past your bedtimes and you both know that so why?" They picked their heads up with tears sliding down their cheeks, "We wanted to wish you Happy Birthday and so did everyone else." They said in sync. The teen nodded slowly, "Thought it was something like that. Thank you, you two, but I don't want to be the reason for you falling asleep at breakfast and then not being fed so let's go, just like how we always do it." Luke and Leia smiled, the boy going to Ezra back.

Ezra reached behind and grabbed the two corners of the blanket Luke was giving and tied it in front of his neck. Going for the other two bottom corners, Luke straddled Ezra's back and let the teen tied them before relaxing all the way. It was now a sling for the kid and Ezra smiled as he felt the pressure of a light weight on his back.
He repeated the same process with Leia but backwards, letting her ride front. He looked up at the waiting family and said to Hera, "You mind helping me up? My leg isn't built the way." She nodded before grabbing Ezra's reached out hands and pulled him up to both of his feet. He sighed and said, "You both better be asleep by the time we get there." He felt two nods and everyone could see them through the blankets.

They continued walking down the street, silence ringing about like at the beginning of their journey. After about 10 minutes, Ezra was once again the one to break it saying, "They're asleep finally. If you want to ask questions, no ones stopping you." Hera was the fist to say, "Who are the kids?"
Ezra chuckled. "These two knuckle heads are Luke and Leia as you've probably guessed. Their parents were put in jail for some crimes that I don't bother remembering. So the twins were put into foster care at the age of, well birth. I met them when they were transferred from Tatooine county. I decided to help them in the orphanage and became friends with them and the rest is history."
Before anyone could ask another question, a small timid voice was heard from the front blanket, "Ezzy, do you think we'll find a family?" Ezra frowned and rubbed her back through the cloth, "I think you are supposed to be asleep, little one."
"Don't ignore the question. Please just answer." Ezra sighed, "Do you remember what one of my markings say?" A shake was seen, "It says, 'Family is just as important as breathing.' That means your family is a life line, without one you slowly wither away to nothing. But at some point in everyone's life, they'll receive a family, even if it's not by blood. What's important is the bond. So I'm positive your going to get a family." She nodded but continued with, "Then why are you here Ezzy? When is your family coming?" Ezra lightly chuckled and said softly, "I'm waiting for the perfect one, but don't worry about me. Let's get you taken care of along with blondey." Leia nodded happily and slowly drifted off again.
A minute later, they arrived at the orphanage or as Zeb would call it, a haunted house. The roof was bending as well as the steps and porch. The grass was barely hanging on and the shrubs have long since died. Ezra told the others to wait out on the sidewalk and went up to the porch. He gently opened the unlocked front door before slipping inside and closing the rickety door.

A minute and many worried looks, Ezra popped back out with his head down and hood up. He came up to them and waved a hand to let them follow him back down the street they came. As always it seemed, silence was present.
A few steps away from the house, Ezra slipped his hood down and they gasped as they looked at the boys face.

His cheek was red and looked ready to bruise. Ezra glanced at the shocked faces before saying, "She doesn't like me or anyone for that matter." He walked ahead in silence not once glancing back.
Before long, Ezra broke the tension, "Hey you guys what to know something?" He got 'hmms' in response and smiled, "Luke and Leia are going to a new family." Hera gasped in happiness, "Really?!?" Ezra nodded with a chuckle, "Yep, but they don't know. I've known the people for a long time too so I know they'll be ok." "Who ar' they?" Zeb questioned as he stuck his fingers in his jeans.
"They helped out my parents from time to time and haven't been able to conceive. Their names are Anakin and Pad'me Skywalker."

No questions were asked as they finished their walk and hopped into the car. Ezra sighed in content as the car started and the music filled the air. He leaned his head against the window watching the buildings and people walked and talk. He smiled as he dreamed of having the normal life but immediately tossed it out of his head.
He was an orphan and an unwanted kid, nothing more, nothing less.
Ezra's eyes slowly closed as the sound of the car and music lolled him to sleep, his body relaxing as he slipped off into oblivion.

They pulled up into the garage, Hera turning off the engine before hopping out the higher vehicle. Zeb and Sabine got out but paused as they realized the kid wasn't out yet. Zeb sighed as flipped down the chair and hopped into the back. He carefully unbuckled the seatbelt and slipped his buff arms under the light teen. The seventeen year old hopped out and closed the door with his side, shifting the kid as the feeling of the metal leg was uncomfortable.

He quickly said his goodnights and went up the flights of stairs all the way up to the attic. He gently laid him down and pulled up his shoes, not minding the foreign material. He worked his way back up to his jacket and pulled it off revealing a black t shirt. Zeb just peeled back the sheets and slipped Ezra under, smiling softly as he rolled over with a sigh.

Zeb walked out with a warm feeling spreading through his chest. He smiled not knowing what it was but he knew he experienced the same thing with Sabine.

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